Pheasant Glen golf course at Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island. Championship golf at the foot of Majestic Mount Arrowsmith. Host of the 2006 BC Men's Mid Amateur, 2007 BC Women's Amateur and Senior Women's Amateur, 2008 RCGA Men Mid Amateur Championships.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
If you believe the forecast, we have good news....March is going to come in like a lion...yeah! !!??!!!...that's it..
p.s. we are still covered in snow
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
It didn't freeze overnight (small victory) we still have snow so don't get excited...don't look at next weeks forecast if you are prone to depression. ..warm for the next couple of days at least. Putt, vacuum, nap, (did you notice the change up? )...keep on your toes folks...focus should be in there as an exercise as well I guess.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Yeaaahhhh......what's a foot of snow in the grand scheme of things.'s going to be 9c on Thursday. ..doesn't it look nice out, all white and everything...putt, vacuum, putt, vacuum, nap and repeat...three days of that, then tell somebody your not crazy and see how that goes for you.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Who jinxed the weather by claiming spring was here...idiot. ..snow is falling at present. ..hopefully it turns to rain soon...9c is the forecast high for tomorrow and if that happens, the snow won't last long..we have about 4 inches of the white stuff just in case you are in a location that has know like the frost..'there is none at my place'..that place...don't hurt yourself shoveling.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
If this keeps up any longer (snow) we'll have to get the plow a time for Tuesday as that will be the next chance to golf and it could be busy...or should I say could be the next chance for golf and will be busy...I'm so confused! !
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Ok, so maybe there's an inch. Alright, half an inch. Enough to ruin a tee time, anyway. And enough to make driving a car a bad idea -- please be careful if you have to venture outside today, and we'll see you when Snowmageddon is over.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Wow...cutting and rolling greens this morning and changing holes also...spring is here...enjoy your day
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Aieh aieh aieh aieh aieh. ...what a February this is turning out to be..stupid's -1c and clear ...frosty and frozen...there will be temps to start and that won't be on time (sigh) ...we will open the greens if and when we can...stupid the pro shop for an update around 10:00ish...stupid winter..
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Most of the snow is gone (good news) ...the greens are frozen ( bad news)'s raining (believe it or not good news)'s blowing out of the SE at 30 kph (bad news)...we will get out on temps and if it rains long enough and gets a bit warmer we'll get some greens open sometime today...this winter sucks... oh, by the way, we've had close to 100mm of rain in the last week..just sayin'..
Monday, February 17, 2014
Isn't this just a special way to start the week...0c with frozen snow on the ground...the good news is that the snow is only 25mm deep. Where's the vacuum? and the putter? Noon would be a good time to check for an update.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Rain and blow like he__ then clear up and get cold as he__ then get frosty as he__ ..that's a lot of he__'s (heck's 'silly' )..since last Tuesday we've received 65mm of rain..just stating the facts (as grim as they are). Have a third cup this morning..we have frost and the wind is as cold as heck..see above...
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Long story short, by the time the first group tees off the fairways are likely to be soft enough to dig your spikes into (good news). Currently, the final four holes on the Glen will start the day open for play (good news). The next couple of hours will tell us more about the other greens (just news).
Oh, winds of up to 56 km/hr are expected later today with gusts up to 71 km/hr (bad news).
Friday, February 14, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Yes, it was mild all night with a bit of rain. Did it help to thaw the greens? ..yes it helped a bit, but, not enough yet. We still have a frost layer in the greens (everywhere) so we'll be on temps again today. Patience, patience, patience. It took ten days to get this way, and it will take a few (could be four or five) days to return to normal.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
20mm of rain overnight on top of the frozen ground equals standing water. We will open on temps on the Glen today. The ground is still frozen about an inch down so don't get your hopes up for regular greens today, in fact tomorrow might be a stretch. Temps on time. It's something.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
What happens when it rains 8mm then clears up and freezes. ..the start of an outdoor skating rink is what happens. Be extra cautious on the road this morning as the roads are icy...the rain is forecast to start this afternoon then it's wait and see how soon we thaw out. Putt, vacuum, putt, yah yah yah ...
Monday, February 10, 2014
Course update February 10

Sunday, February 9, 2014
It looks like there is hope for golf later this week. With all the cold weather we need a few (just a guess) days to thaw out. The rain (when it gets here) will help a lot. Putt, vacuum, etc., know! !
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
Frigid Friday
-9 and feels like the cold chill of outer space. Alright, that's enough whining for the day. Stay warm and enjoy your day.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
-8c, wind out of the south at 11kph..feels like -11c. Warming up to -2 this afternoon with the wind out of the north at 15kph...heat wave...putt...vacuum. know the drill..see you next week.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Support Junior Golf at Pheasant Glen
-5c at the course...feels like -holy crap its cold....!!!!! The good news? ?'s going to be sunny today...the bad news ...!!!'s going to be colder tonight! !...100 putts ....vacuum after each group of 10 putts...nap after each group of 50....repeat as needed...your carpet should stimp at least 9 to be effective...soldier on.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
-3 feels like -5...less than 1cm of snow forecast for this morning. ..forecast high of 1c...are we golfing today? ?...highly unlikely...the ground is frozen at present and there is frost to contend with the proshop around 10:30 and we'll have a better idea of if/when we'll open.
Monday, February 3, 2014
There is a skiff of frozen white precipitation on the ground and the temperature is 0c...combine all that with a NW wind at 15 kph and it feels a bone chilling -3c. We are in Canada and it is winter, don't you know. The sun is supposed to shine today so give the proshop a call around 10:00ish and we'll have a guesstimate on a start time. Patience! !!!!!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
If it doesn't snow...that's a good start to our daily get together. There's no frost at present and if it stays cloudy the frost should stay away and that is good news...I'm just a bit suspicious about how the clouds are coming down island...any shift westward and we could see snow? ?...just sayin'...get your round in early then watch the game...