Well, we went from sunshine to a blizzard in less then 24 hours. The 2012 golf season at Pheasant Glen is officially over. We wish everyone a great and safe New Year and look forward to seeing you on the course in 2013.
Pheasant Glen golf course at Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island. Championship golf at the foot of Majestic Mount Arrowsmith. Host of the 2006 BC Men's Mid Amateur, 2007 BC Women's Amateur and Senior Women's Amateur, 2008 RCGA Men Mid Amateur Championships.
Monday, December 31, 2012
It is snowing at present, !#$^!*&%. Take that, whoever is in charge of the snow. It might switch to rain as the day warms up or stop altogether and the sun could come out and temperatures reach a high of 20c and pigs will fly. No I'm not losing it . It just seems like it. Here is some useless information. Since the rain started in the middle of Oct. we have received over 470mm ( 18.6 in.) of rain. In that time span ( 75 days ) there have been 55 days in which we have received some rainfall and 16 of the remaining 20 days have been clouded over. On second thought I might be losing it. Have a happy New Year everyone and we'll see you all on Jan. 2, 2013.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
December 30th
Can it really be true? Sun is shining at the moment, lets finish off 2012 in style. Full course is open.
Is there enough cloud cover this morning to keep 'old Jack Frost' at bay? Ooooohh the suspense! If he does show his ugly face later this morning it will just be in passing and shouldn't stay too long. There is not much left of 2012 so come and enjoy the last couple of days on the golf course and whatever you do don't call your friends and family back on the Continent and tell them about it. They get so defensive. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
There are a few showers passing through the area which means no frost this morning . The start will be on time. If you are a morning person who likes to get your round of golf in as early as possible today might be the last opportunity for a few days. The forecast is for clear skies at least until Fri. of next week so we'll have to deal with sunshine for awhile. Maybe there is a sale on sunscreen somewhere nearby. Shine up your sunglasses and we'll see you out there.
Friday, December 28, 2012
No frost to contend with, no snow flakes to dodge. The only drawback to this morning is a bit of mist settling on one's glasses and that we can deal with. Some light rain is predicted for later in the day but for now let's be happy that we're starting on time. Enjoy your round.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
So far so good on the frost front. The temperature is lowest just as the sun comes up so we might see a bit of a drop yet which could precipitate some frost but there is also some cloud cover which could negate a temperature drop. Complicated isn't it. The start should be close to on time this morning and even if there is a bit of a delay there are still some deals to be had in the pro shop to keep you busy until you tee off. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Today is full of good news. The first is that there are no more Christmas songs playing in the stores, on the radio and everywhere else possible. ( no I'm not a Scrooge ). The second is that there is no frost so the start will be on time. The third is that the snow that fell yesterday melted off and the Glen will be open today on regular greens. The fourth is that the greens on the Pines are clear of snow. We won't be able to play the Pines yet as there is still snow covering 4 1/2 fairways but with a bit of luck ( rain ) we should be able to by the weekend. Have a great Boxing Day and hopefully we'll see you out here.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas closure
We will be closed Christmas Day but will open on Boxing Day at 8:30. Merry Christmas to all!!
December 24th hours
As mentioned earlier the Glen nine will be open for play today. Plan accordingly as we will be locking up at 2:30 so our staff can join their families. Last day to shop, clothing is 50% off and all Ping G20 golf clubs are priced to sell. 8:30-2:30 today.
'Hallelujah brother' we have golf course to play on. There is still a bit of snow on the edges of the Glen but the greens are clear ( 9 not so much ). So now the question is , is there frost?, and the answer , not at the present so the start will be on time . The Pines is still covered in snow so the Glen is the only option for , I'm guessing , a few more days. Just a reminder that we will be closed Christmas Day and will reopen at the normal time ( frost permitting ) on Boxing Day. At this time I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas with hopes that you get to enjoy it with friends and family.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
We are getting closer with every drop of rain that falls. I know that that is little consolation for the truly hardcore golfer but 'baby steps Bob, baby steps'. ( a quote from the movie What about Bob) Whoever is in charge of the rain, well, keep 'er comin' (but only until the snow melts). I see some awesome deals in the pro shop so come out and check them out. We are trying to maybe see you out here.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
December 23rd we will have towels and wedges 40% off and we will continue our 50% off all clothing. We will also have G20 drivers at $199.95 and G20!fairway woods at $149.95.
Another tenth of an inch of rain fell overnight -- just enough to turn the snow into slightly less snow. There's still a fair bit of melting to do out there before any clubs come out of any bags but we're getting closer. If the rain comes and stays for a while there may yet be a round to be had before Christmas. As for today, join me (and the doomsayers who were wrong about yesterday's apocalypse and now have to shop) in panicking about last-minute gifts. Adam and Gord, expect to see me and my wallet soon.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Technically, there isn't quite as much snow this morning as there was yesterday; however, there wasn't much rain overnight to accelerate the melt. I guess we'll continue to pray for more rain as we finish our Christmas shopping. Enjoy your indoor activities today, whatever they may be.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
A mild morning with rain in the forecast. Usually the previous statement would elicit a sense of calm among the morning crowd in that there will be no frost to start the day but alas snow trumps all. We saw some loss of snow yesterday and if all things go according to plan today the trend will continue. When we will be able to golf is in the hands of whoever is in charge of the rain. If we are lucky, MAYBE ( that's a big maybe ) by the weekend. Keep up with your stretching and before you know it we'll all be back on the course.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
A bit of rain, a bit of snow and a lot of wind. I'm afraid today is not the day to be driving golf balls (and maybe not even driving cars in some areas). We'll need a good amount of rain today in order to even consider golfing by tomorrow, so let's cross our fingers for that. The place to be today is the warm and dry pro shop if you're looking for some great deals on gifts and stocking stuffers. Be careful out there!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The good part of having snow on the golf course is that there is nobody stressed out about whether or not there is a frost delay and how long their tee time will be delayed. I can feel a calmness in the community already. There is a wind warning for this evening so another storm is on the way which should bring a copious amount of rain and wash all the calmness away. Sigh. Remember the 24 days of Christmas event now on at the Glen? Come over and check it out.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Well isn't that just a special morning out there. The snowfall should be over so now the wait starts to see how long before it melts. There's an idea. Instead of , say, a soccer pool someone could start a snow melt pool. Put me down for a couple of squares. There is heavy rain forecast for Wed. so it will be gone for sure then. The question is will it be gone in the next day or two. A snow event wager anyone? We will clear the road so everyone can still take advantage of the 24 days of Christmas event here in the pro shop. Today's deal is exceptional so take advantage while it lasts. Shop with focus and we'll see you out here.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
-1c with clear skies...a couple of facts that the hard core golfer knows are going to delay the start of their obsession. How long the delay you ask? That is the hard part. There is no exact way to come up with a definite time only a best guess of a possible time. This is all old news to the previously mentioned hard core golfer as they have first hand experience of this on countless occasions over the years but to the new arrival this information could be valuable in avoiding wasted time just standing around waiting for hours until mother nature decides to cooperate and lift the cursed rime. A good target will be 11:00ish for a start on temps. We'll see you out there.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
For the sake of all you birdie seekers I hope conditions improve later in the day. The rain is currently coming down sideways but things are supposed to improve by the afternoon, so perhaps it won't be just the diehards that get in a round of golf today. And in keeping things on a positive note, we will start on time today!
Friday, December 14, 2012
December 14th
What a great way to start the day! Sun is shining on the mountain and all clothing in the Shop is 50% off. Come on out and enjoy with us.
Half a degree above zero and dropping... Nothing out there but clear sky and FROST. There will certainly be a delay in starting today, so it's a perfect opportunity to complete (or start) your Christmas shopping. See Gord and Adam in the pro shop for gift ideas and, in a few hours, approximate start times. Enjoy your day.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Bunker Reno
Bunker reno complete on Pines #9. New drainage and now a flat bottom with soft rolling edges. On to the right side bunker. Course conditions continue to improve with projects like these. Well down maintenance team.
The ceiling is 3100 ft. with the temperature ( here's that word again ) hovering around 3c. Just a beautiful morning for a round of golf. This afternoon the forecast is for shopping in the pro shop ( rain ) . Day 13 of the 24 days of Christmas event and am I imagining things or are the deals getting better and better? Play well ,shop safe and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Ho hum..another fine day. We have been lucky so far this year in that there have been few frost delays to contend with. Karma of clean living is what I'm going with. Today is another of those days ( so far ) . Yet again another WOO for a round of golf so take advantage and if you have to phone your friends and families back on the Continent to brag about golfing in December in Canada, giggle somewhat quietly they may be testy at this time of year. There are birdies still to be had out there even though Bob A. got a few the other day. Get out and get your own and we'll see you out there.
Oops I almost forgot. Today is a big day for the 24 days of Christmas event. Check it out.
Oops I almost forgot. Today is a big day for the 24 days of Christmas event. Check it out.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
It looks like a decent morning out there. We have a shower or two passing through and the rest of the day seems to be much of the same. There should be a WOO out there today for sure. No frost as of yet so the start should, maybe, almost certainly could be on time. For those of you following the 24 days of Christmas specials today is another exceptional day for savings so make sure you come in and cheque it out.( Interac will work as well as most credit cards). You don't have to play well today, just have fun. We'll see you out there.
Monday, December 10, 2012
0c and the stars are out...that means an extended breakfast with a few more cups of Joe. There were similar conditions on Sat. morning and the course opened on temps around 11:30. Probably not a bad target for today as well. Stay warm and today's special at the Pro shop is a dandy so check it out. If your hard core we'll see you out there.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
A bit of a drizzly ( probably not a word ) morning at hand. No frost or snow as of yet so get your golf face on and start your stretches. There are birdies out there waiting to be toasted ( with birdie juice ) so come out and enjoy the day and remember the 24 days of Christmas specials are red hot so come early to get some shopping in. We'll see you out there.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
It's more than a bit chilly on the course this morning. Frost is the order of the day. With a high of only 4 degrees today it will likely be quite a while before the course will be open for play. Plenty of time for a leisurely breakfast before throwing the clubs in the car. Enjoy your round, late though it may be.
Friday, December 7, 2012
It isn't quite cold enough to be frosty this morning (not yet anyway) but the wind is more than enough to provide us with a very chilly start. Unless the sky clears up we will more than likely start on time, so we'll see you and your winter wear on the course.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Bunker Maintenance
Work is well under way to improve drainage, reshape and create a flat bottom to the remaining 2 fairway bunkers on #9 on the Pines.
24 days of Xmas Specials
Check out our awesome Xmas specials leading up to the /4th of December. Today is game improvement day. You can purchase a gift certificate for 4 lessons with Assistant Golf Professional, Adam Haddad for only $150.00.
Showers throughout the day today with temperatures reaching a balmy 6c. The snow showers aren't forecast until the weekend so enjoy today.Santa can't be too far away. Someone once told me that a thermos of 'hot toddy' ( whatever that is?) is a good beverage when golfing on days like this. Let me know if that is in fact true. Keep warm and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
It looks like a three cup( be creative ) morning this morning. There is a bit of frost to start but with the scattered showers in the area who knows we could get lucky and get some rain to melt the frost. (like we need rain) If you plan for a 10:00 tee time you won't be too too far off either way. It's a day for layers ( clothes silly ) . Play well and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
A bit of a windy start this morning but that just keeps the mosquitoes at bay. It looks like a few days of good weather coming up so make sure to enjoy them on the golf course. Check out today's 24 days of Christmas special as that is a good deal. The start should be on time. We'll see you out there.
Monday, December 3, 2012
4 inches( 101..6mm) of rain since Thurs. Mother nature is clearly reminding us we live in a rain forest. The course is draining well considering that the area of water collection that flows through and from the course is in excess of 1230 acres. That equates to 111..6 million imp. gallons (507.08 million liters) that has to pass through our property effectively filling our drainage ditches along the way. Like I said before, the course is draining well. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Wow, wasn't that a beautiful day yesterday! I did notice a few ' crazies ' out there though. Today is supposed to be a bit tamer with just a few showers and then blinding sunshine. It is fairly mild at the moment so the start should be on time. Sunscreen?...maybe not but all in all a good day ahead. Enjoy your round and remember to check out the pro shop for the 24 days of Xmas specials. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
It's hard to say what the golfing weather will be like when one channel claims "light rain all day" and the other shows clear skies for most of the late morning and early afternoon. I suppose they're moot points if you've already committed to rubber boots and a round of golf. Conditions on the course will be similar to yesterday: water is draining away as fast as it can, leaving just the odd puddle to dodge. Toss an umbrella in your bag (just in case) and come on out for a round. Enjoy your day.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Whether you prefer "scattered showers" or "light rain" you'll be unhappy to know that we're in for both of them throughout the day. Throw in some more 35km/hr gusts of wind and only the bravest of golfers remain. Good luck to you hardy readers.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
This morning is almost a carbon copy of yesterday morning in that we have frost with a bit of a cloudy sky. As for the start?.... well yesterday we got going on temps around 10:30 and on the greens around noon so there will probably not be much change today. The next few days look like they will be frost free so there is something to look forward to. Have an extra few cups of coffee this morning and you won't even notice the extra wait to start your round. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Almost a full moon....and if I can see that , well , yes there is frost again. Do not despair as there are a few clouds in the forecast for later in the week and then there will be no frost in the mornings. Today though we do have a delay to the start ,which if yesterday is any indication, should be around 10:48ish. Enjoy the sunshine again today and chip well. We'll see you out there.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The trouble with clear skies at this time of year in this country is that it cools off at night ( isn't that just a brilliant statement). Yes we have frost and no we won't start on time this morning. The delay shouldn't be any longer than yesterday's so that being said 10:00ish is a good time to get here to at least start warming up. That should leave plenty of time to get a round in before the Grey Cup which I think starts at 3:00 but don't quote me on that time. Enjoy your day in the sun and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Clear skies at dawn, all frost be gone? Uh, nope.
I'm afraid we're in for a frost delay this morning. It's barely above zero at the moment and it will cool down a touch more as the sun rises (strange but true). It's hard to say when it will lift but I'd recommend giving the pro shop a call if you have an early tee time booked. Later in the day it should be a beautiful day for a round, so enjoy it when it happens.
I'm afraid we're in for a frost delay this morning. It's barely above zero at the moment and it will cool down a touch more as the sun rises (strange but true). It's hard to say when it will lift but I'd recommend giving the pro shop a call if you have an early tee time booked. Later in the day it should be a beautiful day for a round, so enjoy it when it happens.
Friday, November 23, 2012
It's a morning for the ducks and the diehards. We had almost 4/5 inch of rain overnight, so be on the lookout for the odd puddle on the course today. Other than that and a bit of wind there's nothing to keep anyone from playing a round. Very little rain is expected for today and the rest of the weekend -- things are looking up. Have fun out there.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
There is another front heading this way with a wind warning now in effect. It sounds like it could get blustery ( from the word bluster meaning to blow in stormy noisy gusts ). It's not supposed to rain too much so a game of golf isn't really out of the question, just prepare for longer carries on some of the holes. Remember, layers. We'll see you out there.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Another storm overnight with a few lingering showers still in the area but the rest of Wed. looks like a mixture of sun and cloud. Sheesh...someone is laying it on pretty thick this morning...The start will be on time. There will be the odd puddle of standing water as we have received over 55mm ( 2in. ) of rain since the weekend. Be patient and use lift clean and place and your round will still be enjoyable. We'll see you out there.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
There is a wind warning in effect for this morning so we know that the last storm is leaving and the next one is on the way. In between the two is going to be another window of opportunity ( WOO ) . Just enough breeze to keep the mosquitoes away and enough cloud cover to keep the UV rays on the low side of the scale. Enjoy your round today and we'll see you out there.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Dare I say that it is going to be a nice morning?...I am looking at a radar screen that shows no rain until at least after 2:00 PM so that is the official site for the day. This could be a window of opportunity to take advantage of so grab your clubs for a quick round. Putt well and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
As of right now ..no rain , BUT, there are showers in the area and the forecast for this afternoon is extremely high winds of up to 90 kph. We had a bit of rain overnight so again dust will not be an issue. Now..raining. It looks like a soggy week ahead so keep an eye out for windows of opportunity, that are sure to present themselves, to rush out for a quick round. Not raining.. Dress in layers and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
To start things off on a good note, the predicted rainfall amounts for this week have come down a fair bit. It should still be damp but we may avoid a deluge. The wind looks to be a factor, though, so the simple game of golf will come with a slight challenge. Today's game will feature some wind and light rain but no frost whatsoever for the brave souls who don't mind the elements. Enjoy your round.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Lots of very cold dew out there, along with a few deer, but no frost to speak of. If the clouds stick around through sunrise we'll be able to start on time this morning. As yesterday's blog pointed out, the rain is coming and it looks as though today will be the last dry day for golf this week. Enjoy it while you can.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Another stress free morning today...cloudy with no frost. ( frost = golfer stress ) We will start on time. The forecast looks great for golf today so get out and enjoy an 'all you can play day'. Just keep going round and round as it looks like you can rest next week. We all know how the weather can change so maybe they got the whole week wrong. Have fun, putt well and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Another nice morning ... whoever has the influence in the weather department keep up the good work. We have started to put some drainage in the fairway around the 150 - 100yd on Pines 9 so please exercise caution when you get there as we sometimes get engrossed in our work and fail to notice you right away. Have a great day..putt well and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Yahoo!!... another cloudy morning which we all know means no frost...the day is starting out really good. The coffee is hot and the start will be on time...what more can a person ask for?...life is good! Take advantage of all the birdies being had and get out and get some for yourself. If you are at all interested in wildlife now is a good chance to see numerous bucks ( male deer not money ) out courting the various does ( female deer ) that reside on the golf course. At last count there were 4 different ones around so keep an eye out. We'll see you out there.
Monday, November 12, 2012
What is that saying?..' in every rain forest a little rain must fall ' ..or something like that..well today a little rain is supposed to fall. Just a light rain is forecast so even the not so hardy golfer could have an enjoyable day on the course and who knows the best round of your life could be waiting to happen. Dress in layers and enjoy the day. We'll see you out there.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
The conditions are perfect if you love wind surfing...a stiff breeze out of the east and just enough heat in the air as not to freeze the spray. If you are a golfer... well lets just say ...it's downwind on some of the holes. The rain that is in the official forecast hasn't arrived yet but it is overcast soooo no frost this morning and no rain/snow yet. The start as of right now will be on time . Tee it high and let 'er fly on some holes and if it's breezy swing easy on other holes, you pick. We'll see you out there.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
It is currently a degree below zero and dropping here at the course. Yesterday's conditions were quite similar, so here is a quick recap in order to allow you to plan your morning:
Most of the frost was off the front nine by 10:30 but the surfaces of the greens were still frozen. It wasn't until almost 11:30 that they were thawed out and ready for play. By the time the first group of golfers made the turn the back nine greens were thawed out and the entire course was open.
Given the chill settling in early last night we're probably looking at a very similar scenario today (with fingers crossed for the back nine). It's not often I pray for rain but occasionally one must buck a trend. Enjoy your game, as late as it may be.
Most of the frost was off the front nine by 10:30 but the surfaces of the greens were still frozen. It wasn't until almost 11:30 that they were thawed out and ready for play. By the time the first group of golfers made the turn the back nine greens were thawed out and the entire course was open.
Given the chill settling in early last night we're probably looking at a very similar scenario today (with fingers crossed for the back nine). It's not often I pray for rain but occasionally one must buck a trend. Enjoy your game, as late as it may be.
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Frost of the Year (so far) is upon us at Pheasant Glen. If I had to guess -- and I do -- I'd say start times will be at least as late as 10:18 and perhaps even later. Now, pardon me as I seek out a heat source. Enjoy your day.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Where did this shower, we received overnight, come from??? Stupid weather!! The good news...no frost this morning. The start will be on time. The other good news is that we don't live in Edmonton and have to deal with over 30cm of snow. That is pretty close to a foot . I hope they like cross country skiing. It is supposed to cool off here for the next couple of days as well so if anyone talks to friends and/or relatives back on the prairies just let them know that it is a damp cold here and that is worse than their dry cold. Bring sun glasses to help stare down the putts and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Brrrr....The stars are visible..Yes that is frost on the course. With the return of normal time ( non daylight saving ) we might be able to almost start on time-ish. Maybe. If you don't want to wait around with the rest of the crowd come out at 10:18 and walk right on. It looks like we will have a couple three days of clear skies with Sat. reaching only a high of 4c then thankfully rain on Sun. No one should have to worry about sunscreen today but a brimmed cap will be handy. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Now, wasn't that a nice day yesterday. Sunny, warm with a bit of a breeze to keep the mosquitoes away. Today isn't quite a carbon copy, to start with anyway, but who knows things might perk up. There is a bit of a shower passing through at the moment so the good news is the start will be on time. It was great to see almost everyone yesterday so with another great day today we could very well see everyone today. Tee it high and let 'er fly. We'll see you out there.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Clear skies to greet us today so we could experience a bit of frost to start. As of yet, we are frost free so hopefully it stays that way. The rest of the week looks good with just cloudy periods forecast so again another excellent week of golf here at PGGR. Congratulations to the Walmart customers who complained about Xmas music being played on the store sound system this early in the year and got them to stop.'There aught to be a law about that'. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Another mild morning to wake up to. Wouldn't it be nice if this was as bad as winter got? Maybe this year? Hope, one of the necessities of life. You've got to have hope. Today's start will be on time and the rest of the day looks similar to yesterday so all in all not too bad. The greens will be cut as usual and the holes changed so come out and enjoy the new layout and expect birdies as the course setup will be extremely easy ( if you hit fairways and greens and can putt like a demon ). Enjoy your day and keep your head steady when you putt. We'll see you out there.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Another hint of rain, again with negligible amounts expected. We got lucky yesterday and had nothing but clouds to bother us, so who's to say it won't happen again? Heads down, knees bent, fingers crossed.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Just a hint of rain in the forecast for this morning followed by a couple of hints for the afternoon. However, they're telling us that it shouldn't amount to much, so a round of golf is certainly not out of the question. Have fun out there.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Wasn't yesterday just a peach!!? Today will be a great day for golf. The warm breeze will be just enough to keep from perspiring and the cloud cover just enough to keep the harmful UV rays at bay. The really good news is that the start will be on time today. Our proshop's supply of rain gear and umbrellas has thinned out in the last couple of days so come out early to stock up on supplies for the rest of the winter. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Well, well well well well!! What can I say about today. Hasn't the last half of Oct. been just crappy?! With last nights wee bit of precipitation ( 1.1 in. or 27.94mm ) we have received 6.56 in. ( 166.6mm ) of the wet stuff which just happens to be 172% of our normal amounts. So far this year we have experienced just 3 months with below normal precipitation May, Aug., and Sept. and the rest are substantially above normal precipitation. If we just receive our normal amounts for the rest of the year it will still be one of our highest precipitation years in the last 14 years ( our own records ). The rest of the week looks like it is time for a good book or an in door putting contest or something indoorsy ( not a word ). I've got my order in for good weather next week but we all know my influence with mother nature is tenuous at best so if anyone has more pull with the old bat give it a whirl. Play well at what ever your playing today.
Monday, October 29, 2012
A bit of rain this morning but it looks like that is going to pass through quite quickly so there will be another great day for your best round ever. The rainfall over the weekend totals about 1 1/4 in. ( 31 mm ) so there are a couple of wet spots but all in all not too bad. The start will be on time. Again, enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Just like yesterday, the rain hasn't arrived yet but it's coming. For you early risers the afternoon is supposed to be wetter than the morning, so perhaps an early round would suit you today. Either way, a bit of rain is nothing a decent jacket can't contend with! Show your Pheasant Glen mettle!
Friday, October 26, 2012
According to the radar the rain that is supposed to be falling on us right now seems to be a few blocks away. Let's hope it stays there for a while as the forecast for the upcoming week is a soggy one. On a more positive note, we will start on time today without any frost worries. Enjoy your game.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Another warm morning greets us today. We will start on time again today which makes all the early risers happy and the rest of the day will be similar to yesterday so that will make the late risers happy as well. That is what we have come to expect out here on the course, happy, happy, happy. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Wow, who was that guy who wrote that yesterday morning was going to be sunny. Didn't he know that it is today that is going to be sunny or at least close to it. We had a bit of rain overnight ( barely enough to notice) so dust shouldn't be a problem today. The start should be on time with still a few showers hanging around. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Sure go away for a couple of days and winter breaks out...what's with that?? There is frost this morning but, ( there is the hope ) but, there are clouds moving in so we could see enough warming to lift the frost before the start time. It will be close. If not then patience will be the word of the morning. If anyone is wondering what the word of the afternoon is, you have too much time on your hands. OK, OK, the word of the afternoon is birdies as there are plenty to be had out there. Play well, have fun and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
With all this talk of rain we weren't expecting frost this morning. However, there it is. It isn't the nastiest frost we've ever seen, fortunately, so start times shouldn't be delayed very long if at all. Enjoy your day.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Two days of cloud cover and already the snow birds are restless and starting to pack. For us hardy ones that are staying for the winter we have to experience at least a couple of more days before SAD kicks into high gear.( google it ) The start will be on time today so enjoy your day. We'll see you out there.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Its not winter yet, but,...isn't that a great start to the day!?! At least there is no chance of frost. We have a foggy morning to greet us and the hope is for the sun to burn it off before long. The first tee times all hit it straight down the middle so they don't have to worry about where their shots land but us later players need to see the whole course plus a few feet into the bush to feel at least a bit comfortable so we hope the fog lifts soon. Putt well and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Well we have another of those mornings where the temperature is just above the frost threshold and if it stays that way we will be able to start on time if not, we won't. If the past two days are an indication of how things will unfold we will be alright. It looks like the rain is going to hit us on Friday so get while the gettin's good so the saying goes. Keep your head down and we'll see you out there.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you have an easy time recalling all your reasons for celebrating today's holiday. The warm temperatures yesterday have carried over to this morning so a frost delay is ( do I dare say it ? ) unlikely, however , expect the unexpected. Get the turkey in the oven and come on out for a round of golf as the days are a numbered for dry golfing conditions. Putt well and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
We have been blessed with another clear night with the temperature hovering around freezing. ( How does a temperature hover??) If you are golfing this morning be prepared for a bit later start as Jack F--- is skulking around. 9:00 has been the time of the week so that won't be far off again today. The afternoon is going to be absolutely beautiful golfing weather. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
3 degrees and dropping here at the course. Throw clear skies into the mix and we start to sound like a broken record: "We've got frost. Hopefully, it burns off quickly once the sun comes up. We've been able to start shortly after nine o'clock for most of this week and that's what we'll wish for today." Enjoy what will eventually be a warm and beautiful afternoon.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Same scenario as yesterday, I'm afraid. We'll hope for somewhere around 9:00 as a start time but, as usual, please don't quote me on that.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Just a bit cooler than yesterday as if everyone hasn't noticed. The course is white again so the start will be delayed until the frost has melted off. That exact time will be ....ha, ha ,ha fooled you, there is no exact time. We got going a little after 9:00 yesterday so the best guess is just a little later than yesterday, so, 9:15ish with emphasis on the ish.Yesterday afternoon was just a beautiful day to be on the golf course in case all you morning people are at all interested. Just sayin'. Putt well and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Wow, that summer sure went fast. It seems like a long time ago that the f word was used on this blog ( frost, silly ) . In fact 136 days ago. Well it's baaaack! Instead of a green golf course this morning we have a brilliantly white one. Now the next and nearly most important question of the day is when can everyone get out to play golf? Here comes the hard part for nearly everyone to believe, we will get started as soon as possible after, again, after the frost melts off and that time is always a good guess. Today's guess will be around 9:00ish. If you are new to the golf course and want to know why we wait for the frost to clear ask one of our older members and they will explain to you the reasons as they have heard them from us on numerous occasions. If they are closed mouth on this subject their lips are probably frozen. The sun will shine today so a glorious afternoon can be enjoyed. Here it goes again, We'll see you out there.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Yet another frosty start to the day. It doesn't seem to be as heavy as yesterday, though, so we may get lucky enough to get started without any delay. Let's just hope I don't end up eating my words. Enjoy your round.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Another invigorating morning here at Pheasant Glen, and by that I mean it's cold enough that the FROST is upon us once again. Like yesterday, we expect a delay in start times while hoping for a quick lift once the sun starts to shine. Whenever that takes place it should be a great day for golf, so enjoy your game.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
I guess someone ( Mother Nature ) took offence when I posted on Sundays blog that the frost days are over for the season. Guess what ?? We have frost at the moment and are expecting somewhat of a delay to the start times this morning. When the sun gets up it should warm things fairly quickly so we should get going by 10:00 just kidding, don't get excited. We should ( maybe ) be going by 7:30ish. The day is supposed to warm up nicely to a balmy 15c so come prepared. Have fun and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
The freezing mornings we've experienced the last few days seem to be over, hopefully for the season. The sun is going to shine bright today so slather ( is that really a word? ) on the sunscreen before going outside. You don't want to start the year off with a nasty sunburn. It looks like a few days of above normal temperatures in the forecast which I'm sure no one will complain about and there is no better place to enjoy the heat ( OK warmth ) than on the golf course. The birdies are plentiful so come out and get your fair share. We'll see you out there.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Different day, same story! The frost is upon us once again. We were able to start at around 7:30 yesterday morning. Hopefully, we can beat that time today. Join us in thinking warm thoughts, and enjoy your day.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Anyone with a 5:26 am tee time may be disappointed this morning as there is, of all things, FROST out there. It's doubtful it will affect normal 7:00 tee times but we wouldn't be doing our blog job if we didn't at least put out the warning. Start the day with a toque, end it with sunscreen, I suppose. Enjoy your round.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The good news....some of the holes will be playing down wind. There is just a bit of a breeze this morning to go along with the sunshine. Another good day for a round of golf . The weekend looks like it will get hot so enjoy the cooler temperatures leading up to it. Celebrate your successes and forget about your bad shots. We'll see you out there.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Now this is more like it....9c with a hint of a breeze....is it spring????...I think we need a couple of more days to confirm spring is here....A great week ahead so prepare for a barrage of birdies and maybe, just maybe now, an eagle of two. I wonder what the juice of preference is for an eagle ( ladies?? ). Enjoy your week and bring sunscreen. We'll see you out there.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
2c and falling....with a full ( super ) moon shining down. Is that a line from a country song???..There is no frost as of yet but, but, but,...The rest of the day is going to be mostly sunny so the golf will definitely be good. The whole week looks good so who knows maybe the chilly weather has ended for the year. The new teeing areas are a hit so come out for a round as there is a yardage for everyone to enjoy and remember, play the tees that you have the most fun at and that is usually one set of tees shorter than you think. Give it a try. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
At least it's not snowing....and that is the good news! A bit of a damp morning to start. There is a robin chirping outside our window and I'm not sure if it wants in or is just laughing at us. Stupid birds.. The day is going to get better as it progresses so maybe a tee time after 8:00 would be the best. Enjoy whatever you do today and hopefully we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The good news is that there is ( at this time ) no frost but I would suggest to add a layer to your clothing selection this morning. Just saying. Another typical spring day ahead, sun then showers then sun then hail then....well you know what I mean. I hear the course is playing easy these days so come prepared. Have fun today and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
6c and a shower just passed through ( they are mostly over for the day ). Mother Nature is sure being stubborn about this nice spring thing. I mean she could give us a few days of warm temperatures every once in a while, sheesh. Mostly sunny today so again a great day for a round of golf. Make it a good one and we'll see you out there.
Monday, April 30, 2012
It looks like the rain has passed by for today. Another good golf day ahead. Come out and relieve the stress the tax man has put everyone under. Today is the last day of showers before the onslaught of the infamous May flowers so be prepared for tomorrows bloom fest. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
The powers that be say there's a millimetre of rain to come today but so far there's no sign of it. That's too paltry an amount to pay any mind to anyway, so why not concentrate on golf instead of the weather. Keep your heads down out there, unless you lift your head to make sure your head is down. Enjoy your round.
Friday, April 27, 2012
With the aeration of the greens complete you'd think the season would be underway without a hitch; however, there is frost out there this morning if you can believe it. As we say at this time of year, "it shouldn't be a long wait once the sun comes up", so let's hope for no delay in start times. Today is the sunny day of the next few, so make the most of it and enjoy your round.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
It looks like the weather front that brought yesterdays rain has passed over so today will be a dry day. The back nine will be closed to start the day.We couldn't put the sand down yesterday because of the rain so we will finish that portion of the aeration today. The front nine will be open and if all goes 'according to Hoyle' the back will be open soon after lunch. Enjoy your day and we might see you out there.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A bit of a humid morning to start with but I think the worst is over and maybe just a few showers throughout the day is all we have to contend with. We did receive 15mm (+1/2 in ) of rain overnight which is perfect for the front 9 greens which we aerated yesterday. We will aerate the back 9 greens today and if the sod gods are with us the rain will stop and the sun will shine so we can complete the job today. If the rain doesn't stop today we will have to finish the job tomorrow. Either way there is the front 9 to play which should be great to play. Have fun and if all goes well we'll see you tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Clear skies and 5c and ....no frost ( as of yet ) . We are aerating the front nine today so it will be closed until we're finished however the back nine will be open for play. The forecast is for sunny skies today so again another good day for golf. Enjoy your day and unfortunately we will be on the front nine so we won't see you out there today.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Another mild morning this morning with a band of showers moving through. They are supposed to be short lived so another great, west coast, day of golf. We are going to aerate the putting, chipping and academy greens today to warm up for the aeration of the front nine tomorrow followed by the back nine on Wednesday. If the weather is raining on Wed. we will finish up the back nine on Thurs. I hope all who were watching TV last night made it safely through the night. Enjoy your round today and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Only 1 degree of temperature and still dropping. There is already frost on the course and I suppose there will be for a while yet. Start times will likely be delayed this morning but once the sun clocks in for the day the frost should lift pretty quickly. Enjoy your round.
Friday, April 20, 2012
The short and sweet of it is that we're in for a sunny day (maybe even two) and there is no frost to speak of this morning. We had a hint of rain overnight - just enough to keep the greens receptive for the pin hunters out there. Shoot well and have fun.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
1c with clear skies and calm winds....at the moment we have frost on the golf course. The start time will be delayed but just for a bit ( it all depends on how clear sunrise is ).The late start means nothing to all the Canuck fans as their world is all aglow this morning. Three more wins and on to the next opponent. The rain is supposed to hold off until this afternoon so great golf for half the day then west coast golf for the rest. I also think Torres' hit on Hossa wasn't a penalty and he shouldn't be suspended and all who have played the game know that is the truth. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
How lucky are we that we aren't living in Palm Springs and/or Phoenix. Their day time highs are in the mid to high 30s with no cloud cover. The horror of it all. It is good every once in a while to check out the weather in other places just to realize how good we have it here. 5c with SE winds at 25 and a light drizzle this morning with a livable high of 9c this afternoon with the winds dying down to 20 kph. No dust, no mosquitoes and limited sunscreen usage.Paradise I say, paradise. Enjoy your round today and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
1c and the reason ( my thoughts only ) the frogs are making so much noise...they are freezing there little toes off!!!! We have frost at the moment and if nothing happens the start time will be delayed. The sunny forecast for today, that was predicted yesterday, has taken somewhat of a different turn. Showers are supposed to pass over the area starting just before noon so bring an umbrella. If the rain doesn't happen then the umbrella will be good to use as a source of shade from the bright sunshine. I have been hearing stories of a multitude of birdies happening so make sure you come out and get your fair share. Have fun and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Right now it is cloudy out and the radar shows showers in the area. The forecast is for sunny skies this morning with showers this evening...go figure. The temperature is ( I'm trying to think of something nice to say) near normal. The grass is green and the greens are fast so come out and get in a good round of golf before ( I'm still still trying ) the showers start this week. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Another glorious day to hit a ball around a lot of striped grass. We got lucky with the frost yesterday morning and should do so again today. The greens are fast and smooth, just waiting for some birdies. There's nothing but sunshine forecast for the day, so come on out and enjoy the great course conditions. Have a great round.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Like yesterday it's a bit chilly out there this morning. The dew is threatening to turn to frost, but if it happens it shouldn't be long before it turns right back. After that there'll be plenty of sunshine in the afternoon today and tomorrow. Enjoy your round.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
To all the Canuck fanatics ( that's the long term for fan ), don't worry, its only one game. They'll be better Fri.. Luongo looked good in the first. 2c this morning with no frost at the present but it could cool a bit before sunrise which could bring the frost on. If so it won't last long, and it is still an 'if '. Mostly sunny today so bring out the sunscreen with your shorts. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Again, another nice morning. 6c, calm. The start will be on time. I am still finding divots, that I need help carrying to put back, so please remind the players in your group to please replace the divots, please then cover with a bit of sand, please. The course will love you for it. Enjoy your round and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
This is getting monotonous, aaanother nice start to the morning. 6c with a slight breeze. The start will be on time. Spring is officially here, the frogs have been croaking all night so no more snow for the year, bring out the shorts. The greens are fast so plan accordingly, you might have to restock the birdie juice at the turn. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
0c...I see the full moon was on Fri. night but it still looks big and bold out there. The full moon 'crazies' ( my term ) should be past and everyone and everything should be back to normal. No seeing bunnies with baskets of chocolate or any other weird stuff today. The start time was around 8:45 Sat. so that will be a good time to plan a start but as we all know the frost dictates the actual time. Just put an ish behind the time and it will be close. We are getting some grass cut so the conditions are getting more summer like unlike the temperatures we're experiencing. One of these days the heat is going to hit, then watch out, the winter clothes will hit the storage bins with such a thud we'll think there's been an earthquake. Enjoy your Easter Sunday and we hope to see you out here. ( was that the Easter Bunny hopping by??)
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Aaaaaand once again we're off to a frosty start. Conditions are very similar to yesterday when we got the mowers going about 8:45. I'd expect about the same this morning, and then it's off to watch Fred Couples show the young guys how it's done at Augusta. Enjoy your day.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
0c.. clear skies..an annoying robin chirping outside the window. It is sitting outside the window because it is too cold for its teensey weensey little feet if it stood in the grass( frost ) like it's supposed to. I think they came back too early this year. It's going to be a beautiful day today with sunny skies and light wind. Golf at it's finest on April 5th. We'll see you out there.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Star light star bright the first star....how the heck does that stupid thing go. -2c . We all know what that means. The start will be delayed this morning. The good news is that the ground should be warm enough so the greens don't freeze therefore when the frost does go we can get right on regular greens.( 9:00ish ??) That is a sure sign of spring. Sunscreen is the word of the day. Bring lots and use often. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
6c with a light breeze...and a wee bit o drizzle...after the last two days that sounds like a decent start to the day. We've had 20mm of rain over the last 24 hours so there might be some puddles on the course but all in all the conditions could be a lot worse. The greens are still rolling good so birdies are abundant. The gale that blew yesterday has passed over so alas the added challenge of playing in the wind is also gone. There are just showers forecast for the rest of the week so bring sunscreen for the sunny periods and enjoy your round(s).
Monday, April 2, 2012
How hard is the wind going to blow? The wind warning is only supposed to last until mid morning so not so bad a day ahead . The rainfall amounts that are now forecast are quite a bit less than was forecast yesterday so who knows maybe we won't see any rain at all. The 5'' of snow we had yesterday is almost all gone with just a bit left in the shaded areas. The start will be on time this morning with regular greens in play. Enjoy your round and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Wow that is either the best, or the worst and meanest April fools trick yet and I'm not sure which . What a surprise this morning. If like all April fools jokes the Tom foolery stops at noon we should see some golfing this afternoon but this is the best or is it the worst joke to date so we'll have to wait a bit to see the outcome. With the forecast high for 8c this afternoon we should see the snow melt away fairly quickly. Be carefull of the jokers this morning and hopefully we'll see you out here this afternoon. What is it, the best or worst??? I still can't tell as I've both laughed and cursed. That's a good one.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
It should be a pretty good day for golf as only a bit of rain is expected today. It's a bit of a damp, grey morning so far, but as long as the heavy rain stays a couple hours south of here we won't complain at all. Until Monday, that is, when the heavy rain...but I digress. Enjoy your game TODAY.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wind?..What wind..Rain?.. What rain.. More wind this morning?...Yeah right...The storm is over and nothing but sunny skies for the rest of the day. Unless something changes. At least the rain came in the middle of the night and didn't ruin any ones golf game. Another glorious day in paradise today. The bonus of last nights rain is that now the greens are really receptive and the fairways aren't as firm so, the unexpected roll and bounces are kept to a minimum. Control of the golf ball is key for lower scores. So there are lots of birdies to be had today, come prepared. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
What can a person say today other than " BATON DOWN THE HATCHES". That is a saying I recall from my youth on the prairies and I seriously doubt that 90% of the people, using said saying, actually knew what it meant. I know I didn't. I just thought it was a short saying for, holy crap is it windy. If you are a glass half empty type person do not, I repeat do not, look at the Environment Canada forecast for Nanaimo for the next week. Remember we do live in a rain forest. The good news is that the start is on time today. Enjoy your golf and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
OK, for those who have already looked at the weather forecast, it's not all that bad. You will be downwind on holes 2,6,13-17 and there will not be any airborne dust to worry about. Oh yeah, more good news. There is no frost so the start will be on time. That is all the information needed for the, glass half full, golfer. Enjoy your day on the course and we'll see you out there.
Monday, March 26, 2012
2c and lo and behold the stars are shining. Will there be frost this morning?..only time will tell and if there is any it won't last long and the greens won't be frozen. The rain showers are headed this way but like the frost will they hit or miss us? The greens are rolling good so there should be plethora of birdies out there. Oh yeah, the start should be on time but I defer to above. Play well and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
-1c with clear skies..yes, yes, yes...I know, same as yesterday. It looks like the next couple of days are going to be the best of the week so if you have an inclination to play some golf this week , like Bob Barker used to say, come on down. We started on temps around 9:45 yesterday and regular greens about 11:00ish and there probably won't be much difference today. The rain starts Tues. We'll see you out there.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
-1 with clear skies. It's very...scenic...out there. Of course, by very scenic I mean very frosty. It will be a few hours before the sun does its thing, but after that it looks to be a beautiful day for golf. It may even hit 11 degrees, believe it or not. Let's hope for start times around 10:00 or so, but I'd suggest checking in with the pro shop before loading up your clubs today. Enjoy your round.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Only a few showers are expected this morning, and then it looks like sunshine for today, tomorrow and even the next day, believe it or not. Come on out and enjoy some dry weather while it's here, because by Monday I think the rain is a comin'! Have fun.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
-3c with clear skies...yes you guessed correctly, we will have a bit of a delay this morning, though, if the sun stays out, it shouldn't be too long. We got going around 11:00 yesterday but there was a bit of snow to melt off first. We are lucky today in that we don't have any snow to deal with. The rest of the week looks like it could almost be spring with temperatures in the double digits and sunshine. Stock up on sunscreen and be prepared for the few crazies that are going to put their shorts on for the first time this year. Enjoy your round and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Wow, what a day we had yesterday... snow rain sunshine you'd think it was spring. As anyone can tell by looking outside it is still the middle of winter. At least we don't have to shovel it, yet. A typical winter day ahead ( spring is on the way ). It is -3c now so the snow will take awhile to melt if and when the sun decides to shine. If everyone starts stretching around 10:00 this morning and then calls the pro shop we should have a good handle on when the start time will be. The snowfall accumulations tonight are forecast for less than 1cm so that is good news. Enjoy your day.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
2c with a mix of rain and clear skies, oh yeah and a bit of a breeze. No frost this morning ( yet ) . A day of intermittent showers is forecast so bring an umbrella and sunscreen. For the first day of spring, typical. I have noticed large divots laying around on the fairways that are not being replaced. Please if you see someone in your group take a large pelt out and not replace it, gently remind them that a replaced divot will grow back faster than a sand filled divot. If they need a hand to lift and place it, be kind enough to help them with that task as there are a few out there that need a man and a small boy to lift. With every ones cooperation the fairways will all be in better shape. Enjoy your round today and we'll see you out there.
Monday, March 19, 2012
-2c...cloudy...light breeze. A little different than yesterday. Alas the outcome will most likely be the same unless there is a shower in the area that passes over the course. We started out on temps yesterday and got switched over to regular greens around 10:00ish. The day is going to be a bit windy but the rain is supposed ( there is that word again ) to hold off until this evening so another good day for a round of golf. The course is giving up all sorts of birdies so be prepared ( birdie juice ). Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
The stars are shining bright..-2c... no wind...It looks like a mid morning tee time will be close to the start time today. Some people might need the extra time this morning to recover fully (even partially )from the St. Patrick's Day celebrations. Just maybe. Whats that saying about a hairy dog or is it hair of the dog? Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Let's call this morning one of "moderate frost potential". The threat is definitely there but we may get lucky. Luck of the Irish may play a role today. Happy St. Patrick's Day and enjoy your round.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Those of you who've been braving the elements this past week will be happy to know that it gets a bit easier today. Only the odd shower is forecast for the next couple of days, so with a few layers and a toque you'll be playing golf with a smile instead of a grimace. The clouds have kept the frost away this morning, keeping start times where they should be. Enjoy your round.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
-1c ...moonlight glistening off the snow...no wind. It looks like showers around today which at this time could be either snow or rain. The forecast is threatening sunny periods this afternoon so bring sunscreen along for your afternoon round of golf. There is a wind warning for early Wed. morning posted so another front is heading this way. Is it just me or is this unusual weather for this time of year? It reminds me of the typical storm weather we get in Nov. and Dec. Lets blame it on global warming. Enjoy whatever you do today.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Bad News
The doctor tells Ole he only has a few days left to live. Ole thinks a little, looks hard at Lena, and says, “Lena, promise me. Swear to me that when I’m gone, you’ll marry Sven Svenson.”
“SVEN SVENSON???” she shrieks. “You’ve hated him all your life!”
Ole answers, “Yep, I still do.”
A few days pass. Now Ole only has a few hours left to live. Lying in bed, he smells something. Cake. Chocolate cake, his favorite! He crawls out of bed and drags himself to the kitchen.
When Lena walks in, there is Ole, sitting at the kitchen table, eating cake. She hollers at him, “Ole! What are you doing in here? You’re sick! You should be in bed! You shouldn’t be out here eating cake! That’s for the funeral!”
The Newspaper
Ole died. Lena goes to the newspaper office to print the death notice.
The clerk asks her, “What do you want it to say?”
“Ole died.”
The clerk looks up. “What else?”
“Nothing else.”
“But Lena, you were married to Ole all those years. Don’t you want to say anything else about him?”
The clerk thinks a minute. “You know, Lena, it won’t cost you any more if you add a little. The first ten words are the same price.”
“Ten words, and it won’t cost extra?” she asks.
The clerk nods.
Lena thinks hard, then says, “Ole died. Boat for sale.”
2c...wind howling..rain coming sideways. Curling on TV.
Enjoy whatever you do today!
The doctor tells Ole he only has a few days left to live. Ole thinks a little, looks hard at Lena, and says, “Lena, promise me. Swear to me that when I’m gone, you’ll marry Sven Svenson.”
“SVEN SVENSON???” she shrieks. “You’ve hated him all your life!”
Ole answers, “Yep, I still do.”
A few days pass. Now Ole only has a few hours left to live. Lying in bed, he smells something. Cake. Chocolate cake, his favorite! He crawls out of bed and drags himself to the kitchen.
When Lena walks in, there is Ole, sitting at the kitchen table, eating cake. She hollers at him, “Ole! What are you doing in here? You’re sick! You should be in bed! You shouldn’t be out here eating cake! That’s for the funeral!”
The Newspaper
Ole died. Lena goes to the newspaper office to print the death notice.
The clerk asks her, “What do you want it to say?”
“Ole died.”
The clerk looks up. “What else?”
“Nothing else.”
“But Lena, you were married to Ole all those years. Don’t you want to say anything else about him?”
The clerk thinks a minute. “You know, Lena, it won’t cost you any more if you add a little. The first ten words are the same price.”
“Ten words, and it won’t cost extra?” she asks.
The clerk nods.
Lena thinks hard, then says, “Ole died. Boat for sale.”
2c...wind howling..rain coming sideways. Curling on TV.
Enjoy whatever you do today!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
2c with clear skies....So far so good for the start being on time but if it gets any colder we could see some frost. With the time change thrown in there might be a slight delay. It doesn't look like there will be any rain until late this afternoon so there is no excuse for not getting out for a round of golf today. The wind warning is for tomorrow morning so who knows, that might not happen. There might be a scattered shower passing by so be prepared and enjoy your day today. 10 days until spring.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
They claim there is some rain coming this afternoon. For now, though, the only precipitation I see is dew and we can deal with that. The cloud cover is keeping the frost at bay, so start times will remain right where they should be. Enjoy your day.
Friday, March 9, 2012
The trend for this week is a bit of rain, then a bit more, then a bit more after that. However, no frost is included in that scenario, so things are looking up. Today's forecast calls for the least amount of rain of the next few days, which means we should see you early risers out there in an hour or so. Enjoy your round.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
-2c with not so clear skies. We have frost this morning. The only uncertainty is the start time this morning. We got going about 10:00 on temps yesterday which would be a good goal for today. The long range forecast looks good, for no frost in the mornings, for the next couple of weeks. Now the question is do you want to believe that forecast or not. Is your glass half full or half empty? Enjoy your dry day today and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
-4c and clear skies..only the robins are happy this morning...they sure make a lot of noise for a small bird....It was cold ( ffffreezing) all night so the ground will be frozen which means the course will open on temps to start with. We got going on regular greens ( on the front ) around 11:00 yesterday which might be pushing it today but we'll see how the morning goes. The afternoon yesterday was very nice and we were surprised not more people take advantage of the great latter day conditions. Give it a try sometime, you might like it. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Two weeks today...the countdown is on. No it's not St. Patrick's Day, guess again. We have clear skies this morning and the temperature is hovering around freezing. The start time will be delayed a bit but with full sunshine the wait will be minimal. Is it too early for sunscreen? Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Monday, March 5, 2012
I don't think anyone saw this coming or if they did nobody was talking. What you may ask am I talking about? If you are asking that question you haven't looked outside yet this morning. ( SNOW ) The accumulations are minimal yet but it is still falling. The day might start off a bit late but it is supposed to be sunny this afternoon. Remember spring is less than 3 weeks away.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
5c with some cloud cover bodes well for an on time start. The forecast is for rain but the satellite photos show only scattered clouds so it is a good day for golf . The robins are singing loudly this morning so they as well are in agreement that today is a good day. Bring lots of birdie juice as the course is giving up the elusive birdies in droves. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Some more thin cloud and five useful degrees of warmth have put us right back where we want to be at this time of year: on time. My advice is to shut down your computers and pick up your clubs before someone else beats you to it. Enjoy your round.
Friday, March 2, 2012
There is a layer of cloud that is very skillfully keeping away the frost this morning. If that keeps up there should no problem with teeing off at 8:30 on the dot. Enjoy your day.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Where is the snow and rain coming from this morning? There must be a hole in the fabric of space time. The forecast is for fog patches this morning and whatever else is in the area I guess. With the temperature hovering around 0c we could have a bit of a delay with the start. It is all a depends question. It depends on whether the skies clear, the sun shines, etc. As usual we will open the golf course as soon as possible. Keep your spirits up ( whatever methods you choose ).
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
0c with clear skies...your darn right there is frost. What the h-- (that is not swearing) is the snowfall warning still doing posted. That is a stretch. There are supposed to be a few showers passing through today and the snow in the higher elevations doesn't mean #11 silver tee either so don't worry. It is the last day of Feb. today so I guess the next big excitement is to see if Mar. comes in like a lamb or a lion. For those that don't know the drill on that ask a prairie transplant. Enjoy your day.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
How serious is Environment Canada with the snow fall warning? I think they may be just a bit over cautious. The temperature is above 0c and the system is coming out of the south so what the heck...another good day for golf. Warm with a bit of a south breeze just enough to keep the mosquitoes away. Is this a new coffee sweetener in my coffee or ...
Monday, February 27, 2012
The bad news first..-5c with clear skies....the good news is that it is going to be sunny today and if the sun shines early ( not like yesterday ) the frost will melt earlier than yesterday. More good news...it is going to cloud over tonight with a few showers so probably no frost tomorrow. The bad news...it might snow tonight if it stays cold. The good news...spring is only three weeks away. Enjoy your day.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
-4c ...need I say more..the airport is reporting a 0c temperature so that leads me to beleive that there is a lot of hot air escaping from the neighborhoods around there. The sun is supposed to shine today so a midmorning start (10:30ish ) seems likely. With the colder night the ground will also be frozen so we will probably start the day on temps and move onto regular greens when they thaw out. If the sun throws some heat we usually get off of temps around noon. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Over 4/5 of an inch of rain fell yesterday and, thanks to the wonders of drainage, the course is ready for play today. There's not a thing to complain about! Well, maybe just one: there is a warning that we're in for some chilly wind out of the northwest today. Only 70 km/hr, though, and if we think in terms of miles per hour it brings the number down to a mere 43 or so. Add a toque and a couple of layers to your day and all is well. Enjoy your game.
Friday, February 24, 2012
The powers that be have issued warnings for wind, rain and even a bit snow today. The trees are already leaning to one side, so it seems the warnings were justified. Good luck to anyone who just can't say yes to a day indoors. Have fun (?) out there.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
-1c ....That is a terrible start to the days musings. Everyone knows the consequences of freezing temperatures..the F word. The sun is supposed to poke out this morning so the delay should ( if and or but ) only be until 10:00ish. The rest of the week looks damp so today would be a good time to get a dry game of golf in. Enjoy the day and we'll see you out there.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
3c with a north west breeze and clear skies. Usually that means frost but this morning is different for some strange reason ( go figure ). That might yet change before sunrise but if so the start delay will be minimal. The rest of the day is going to be beautiful with nothing but sunshine. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
It is one of those mornings today, just enough cloud cover so there is no frost as of yet but the skies do look like they are clearing a bit so there could, and that is a maybe almost, be frost. The start time will be.....on time with an 'IF' ( that is a big if ). There are just showers forecast so we all know what that means, great golf in February. The week ahead looks good except for maybe Tues. but if we didn't get any rain we wouldn't be a rain forest now would we. Enjoy your day and plan well for all the birdies.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
So far today looks to be the flipside of yesterday when it comes to golfing conditions. Some wind and rain in the morning followed (hopefully) by only isolated showers in the afternoon. Whether that turns out to be accurate or not, the greens are receptive and rolling smoothly, so don't let a few raindrops scare you off. Have fun.
Friday, February 17, 2012
It looks like an early tee time may be in order today as conditions are currently calm and dry; however, there is a wind warning in effect for the afternoon. Add a bit of rain to the mix and we're back to thinking about an early tee time. Enjoy your round.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Today's "cloudy with showers" sounds better than tomorrow's "light rain", so I know which day I'd be concentrating on if I had to choose just one. In that spirit the greens are currently being rolled in a right-to-left fashion, with the bunkers being raked in more of a back-and-forth pattern finished off with a gentle swoop. Come on out and enjoy your round.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
If there's a downside to a sunny afternoon in February it's the possibility of frost in the morning. As that possibility has become a reality it will likely be at least 10:30 before we get going here this morning. A good excuse to finish off your heart-shaped chocolates from yesterday. Have fun out there.
Monday, February 13, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012
With over half an inch of rain last night things are a bit soggy at the course this morning. It eased up a while ago, though, so there are really only a few puddles here and there to contend with before the sun comes out in the afternoon. Enjoy the conditions and have fun.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Is spring here??..8c with a slight breeze this morning. Sounds inviting for a game of golf. The rain that is forecast isn't supposed to fall until this evening so a morning tee time would should could miss it all. Play well and if you start to feel bad about your game remember our friends and relatives who are snowed in and wonder what they would say if you called them and explained how bad you have it. Enjoy your round.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Yeah, no frost this morning. Things are looking up. No don't really look up as you might get an eye full of rain. There is a light, moderate ok fairly brisk wind this morning as well. All in all a good day for golf if you are visiting from somewhere else in Canada, not so much if you live here. Enjoy whatever you do today.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
-3 or -4 it all depends on what part of the road your on. The moon is so bright you almost have to wear sun glasses. OK that's a stretch but you know what I mean. We got going on temps just after 10:00 yesterday, today is colder so 11ish would be a better target for a start. If the sun rises and the fog doesn't roll in it could be a bit earlier. Tomorrow is supposed to be better with rain and also rain for the rest of the week so there should be no delays in the start time then. Yeah!?! Enjoy the sunshine.
Monday, February 6, 2012
-2c...clear skies with a brilliant full moon..see you around 10ish. Sorry for the curtness of the note today but I am still upset the Patriots lost yesterday..I'll be over it by tomorrow, or maybe noon today, well probably at the morning coffee break everyone takes but us of course hard workers that we are, heck I feel better already. Just getting to the golf course puts a person in a good frame of mind. The holes have been changed and most of the golfers yesterday were getting lots and lots of birdies so come prepared.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
FFFOOOGGG...It isn't quite pea soup but it is a nuisance...the temperature is hovering around 1c this morning so dank would be an appropriate description. We should start on time barring anything that would clear the skies. The start of the week looks good so come out and enjoy some great golf while the dry weather lasts.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
This morning is a carbon copy of where we were 24 hours ago. If it remains that way there should be nothing to delay tee times or warrant the use of rain jackets. Winter golf doesn't get much better than that. Have fun out there.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Even though you can see your breath the cloud cover has kept the frost away this morning. It looks like we'll start on time. Enjoy your round.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Who among the early birds has all the influence with mother nature as she is sure agreeable this winter. A little rain overnight to keep the frost away yet not enough to make a mess. Good job whoever you are. The start will be on time unless someone irritates mother you no who. Sunshine latter so the birdies will be falling...be prepared.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
There are stars shining this morning but, there was also a shower that just passed through so the temperature is just above the level we get frost. The big question is, is it going to stay that way or is the temperature going to drop. Stay tuned to see how the situation unfolds. Quite a dramatic start to the day isn't it. Enjoy the sunshine today.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
The stars are shining....oh no...the good news is that the back nine is open with the exception of 14 which is a temp. There will be a delay for frost this morning. If the front comes in sooner than predicted the delay won't be that long. Just showers for latter in the day so another good day for golf. We'll see you out there.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
4c this morning with intermittent showers....sounds nasty if you don't golf. If you golf it is a glorious morning full of promise. There should be no frost to contend with this morning so the start could, almost,maybe, be on time. Old man winter has been camping out on the back nine for quite a while now but we are hoping he'll move on one of these days. He is really cranky so it is best if we don't provoke him too too much. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
There is a bit of frost this morning and a light layer of hail on the greens, so the first tee time will likely be pushed back by an hour or so. Would it be too much to ask for about five minutes of torrential rain to speed up the thawing process? Probably. Enjoy your round, whenever it takes place.
Friday, January 27, 2012
It's 2 degrees on the wrong side of zero this morning, so obviously we're in for a frost delay. It will likely be closer to lunch by the time things thaw out enough for play, so it may be a good idea to phone ahead if you have a particular tee time in mind. Dress warmly and enjoy your day.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
There was a bit of rain overnight then the skies cleared and ....the same thing happened as always happens with clear skies at this time of year. We were open on the front nine yesterday and the greens made it through the snow in good condition. The back nine greens are still frozen so hopefully today they will thaw out. There might be a bit of a delay this morning then the front nine will be open.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
For those of you brave enough to brave the elements in a brave manner, the rain and brief bit of sun yesterday was enough to thaw out the practice greens and five more greens on the front nine. The back nine will remain closed for now. Not a perfect scenario but, heck, it's a start. Enjoy your day.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
What nasty weather this morning. There is a wind warning issued for today and deservedly so. The snow has almost all melted but the ground is still frozen so there will be no golf today. If the teeing ground thaws by tomorrow we could get out on temps and that right now is a big if. We are all crossing our fingers for warmer conditions. Enjoy your stretching and carpet putting.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Although it is much warmer today the course is still covered in snow. The rain yesterday and overnight helped a little but it will be a couple of days yet before we are out there enjoying the great conditions we have been spoiled with all winter. The Golf Shop will be open until 3:00pm today and 8:30-3:00pm tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
-2c with a bit of a breeze...still a bit of snow on the ground. The good news is that the snow forecast for Wed. has been cancelled. The temperatures, although have also been downgraded to highs of -5 and -6 Wed. and Thurs. Not good news for golfers. Keep up the stretching and putting on the carpet for a while longer.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
-3c with snow on the ground and in the forecast...not exactly the type of morning that a golfer wants to wake up to. Alas, that is the week ahead as well. With the forecast temperature to not be much above freezing I'd suggest to plan something other than golf today and the extra cautious will have a contingency plan for the rest of the week as well. Make sure others enjoy your company today.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
The early morning course inspection revealed pretty much what you'd guess: frost and frozen greens. The small amount of precipitation expected today won't be enough to thaw out the greens, so we'll be on temps when the front nine opens. The frost should lift earlier than yesterday -- let's hope for somewhere between 10:00 and 11:00 -- but I'd recommend phoning ahead before tying up your golf shoes.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Today looks and feels very similar to yesterday, so enjoy your breakfast and we'll see you around lunchtime.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The minus 1 temperature is a clear indication that there is frost at the golf course. The light cloud cover hasn't been able to keep the thermometer above the freezing point. Yesterday we didn't get going until close to noon and then it was on temps. I don't see much of a difference today. The best golf today will be after lunch ( and maybe a bit of a nap ). We'll see you out there.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Clear skies..full moon..usually a wonderful sight. Not if your a golfer on the west coast in the winter. We have frost this morning. It looks like a full week of clear weather coming up which would be nice in the summer not so much in the winter. The start time will be delayed this morning. I don't think anyone should get too excited until after 10:00 . If the temperature drops any more that time will get closer to 11:00. Call before you come.
Monday, January 9, 2012
8c with a nice warm breeze this morning with a few showers forecast for latter in the day. Is this January or what? Sounds more like March. Oh well, we'll take it. Only sunshine for the rest of the week and we all know what that means, right? Great afternoon golf. Have a good one and we'll see you out there.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
6c this morning...a great start to the day. We will start on time and hopefully the rain that is forecast will hold off until this evening. The rest of the week looks good with sunny skies. The course has drained well from the rainfall last week and the greens are rolling good so come out and enjoy a round of birdie filled golf. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Good news/good news:
The good news: The course continues to drain off very well, with most of the major puddles having disappeared overnight.
The other good news: Power carts are able to go out today and the course will be open on time.
Enjoy your day.
The good news: The course continues to drain off very well, with most of the major puddles having disappeared overnight.
The other good news: Power carts are able to go out today and the course will be open on time.
Enjoy your day.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Good news/bad news:
The good: The front nine should be open for play today.
The bad: It won't be until at least 11:00. The course is currently frozen solid, so when the frost does come off we will likely start on temps. It will be open for walkers only as there is still too much water on certain areas of the cart path, but carts will be allowed out as soon as possible.
The good: The front nine should be open for play today.
The bad: It won't be until at least 11:00. The course is currently frozen solid, so when the frost does come off we will likely start on temps. It will be open for walkers only as there is still too much water on certain areas of the cart path, but carts will be allowed out as soon as possible.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
There was 23.5mm of rain since yesterday morning so the golf course will still be very wet. There are a few showers passing through this morning then forecasted sunny skies so we should see a substantial drop in the standing water today. It is unlikely we will open today but if there is no rain today we should open by the weekend.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
8c this morning....is spring here already? Happy New Year everyone. I hope all the pain of the celebration has abated and you are coming out today to enjoy a round of golf in the warmth we are experiencing today. The birdies are waiting and I even saw an eagle or two floating around the course so come out and get your share. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.
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