Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Ho ho ho..ho holy crap it's cold...don't get too excited about golf today...frost and frozen at present. Merry Christmas everyone, we'll see you in the new year.


Monday, December 23, 2013


A little rain overnight (3.253764846326 mm) so there was enough cloud cover to keep the frost away...I know what your thinking " the last time you said that it cleared up and the frost came in and we didn't get started until 11:00" (there are a couple other thoughts I can't mention as I know they contain a couple of swears). Today is going to be different I say(unless it clears up). As of right now the start will be on time. The full course is open except for #5 on the Pines, that is the only temp. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Course update

We have 7 greens open on the Glen nine and the other 2 will open a bit later once the snow melts. 


The snow is almost all gone...with the forecast calling for rain it's conceivable that we could golf sometime today...there is still snow on most of the greens on the Glen so when/if we get going, temps will start the day...the days start getting longer today so,  Spring, here we come.


Saturday, December 21, 2013


We were hoping for more rain overnight but we're still left with a blanket of snow that needs to vamoose before golf is in the picture. I guess we shouldn't be surprised to see snow on the first day of winter but it doesn't mean we have to like it...

Friday, December 20, 2013

Course conditions.

If you're like me and woke up to clear but wet roads this photo will prove that we get different weather patterns at Pheasant Glen. 2-3 inches of snow over night!! Maybe a white Xmas? We still have great Xmas sales on in the Golf Shop. 50% off clothing, 40% off shoes to name just a few. 


Apparently, yesterday's snowfall warning wasn't just an idle threat. It's a wet, white, winter wonderland here at the course this morning. Some rain is needed before we can think about birdies, pars and the like, so for now be careful on the roads as you continue your Christmas shopping.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Now wasn't yesterday just a special experience. ..cleared off ...got cold..frost..frozen greens...disappointed staff and  golfers. At least we could putt on 7 greens. Today not so special. ..cold and frozen to start...oh yeah...did I mention, SNOWFALL WARNING for tonight. We'll try get temps going by 11:00ish.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013


This stupid country....!!!!!...it's cleared off and now we have frost...have an extra cup of coffee...



It's always amazing to me how a little bit of rain (under 12.4536 mm or so) will transform the golf course. In the summer it greens everything up and leaves a fresh earthy fragrance (that's a bit over the top) and in the winter it melts the frozen tundra (again over the top). Excuse my exuberance for we have a golf course to play again (one hole on the Pines is stubborn). December 18 and we're golfing ...as my old neighbour used to say "now we're living".


Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Two days in a row of exactly the same overnight conditions. .clear early (frost)(frozen greens)..then fog rolls in and the frost goes away but the greens still frozen..we will start on temps again today then we'll have to wait on mother nature to thaw us out...she can be stubborn at times as we all know. The word of the month?  Patience . The long range (starting Thursday)is for warmer than normal so golfing is definitely in the picture. Putt 25...vacuum. .etc...you know the drill.


Monday, December 16, 2013


Well that didn't work so good...clear skies overnight. .freezing temperatures..now the greens are frozen again...no not as bad as the last couple of weeks but still the surface is frozen...winter doesn't start for another 5 days yet...yeah...temps to start with when we get going, which should be close to on time.


Sunday, December 15, 2013


Right to the chase...greens still (yes still) frozen..temps on the Glen..we'll get the greens open the second that they thaw out..ok...the minute they thaw out.. that might be later today for a few of them...might! !.... what's that word? ?..oh yeah...patience.


Saturday, December 14, 2013


We received 5mm of rain overnight and the current temperature is 3c which all sounds good, and it is,  but not good enough..the greens are still frozen...if you want to go for a walk and get a bit of exercise we will have the Glen open on temps to start with..if a miracle happens,  and it warms up a lot,  we'll open the greens as they thaw out. Patience,
remember,  patience.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Course update

Although the temperatures have stayed above 0 the ground here is still frozen. The course will remain closed today but the range will be open between 12:00 and 2:00. Hopefully we get the Glen nine open tomorrow on temp greens. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013


What's with this weather? ..now it can't even rain when it's supposed to...stupid weather! ?!?!??..the temperature stayed above freezing last night so we're making small gains on the frozen front, small being the key word in that statement. We're still hopeful about getting, at least, the Glen open for the weekend. Eternal optimists that we are. 100 putts a day. .vacuum after every 25 to keep the roll true..experience talking.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

This week in the Golf Shop

Here are this weeks specials in the Golf Shop. Although the snow is mostly gone the gound is completely frozen and unplayable. A little bit of rain would be ideal to help the thaw. 


It looks like tomorrow is going to be the  'wet' day..and we definitely need one or more of those days to get back on the course. If you look at the long term weather forecast, the term roller coaster ride jumps out. If you're like me, when you don't like the forecast,  expound the inaccuracies of meteorology, and if you like the forecast claim responsibility. Now I just sit on the fence and wait. We're moving in the right direction in regards to opening. What's that word? ..oh yeah ...patience.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013


A freezing rain warning has been issued but so far nothing has happened...the full blown thaw,  that just about everyone has been waiting for, hasn't quite started yet either. Patience, patience, patience. We could be golfing again early next week...ok, ok,  maybe by the weekend if a miracle (warm rain) happens. Stay loose and practise your putting.


Sunday, December 8, 2013


It's not even winter yet...isn't that just a special statement. ..the good news...it's warmed up a lot since yesterday morning. ..the bad news...it's still -8c ...at least there is golf on tv today...have you worn a path in your carpet,  from putting, yet?  Tuesday is clouding over Wednesday raining, maybe golf Thursday. ..we'll see.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


-10! We could complain about it but all of the transplanted prairie folk would point and laugh. Instead, how about vacuuming from left to right and then putting through the break. Stay warm and enjoy your weekend.

Friday, December 6, 2013


-5 with snow on the ground. "I'm guessing the course will be closed today", said Captain Obvious with an uncanny burst of foresight.

Only 18 shopping days left, so check out the pro shop for gift ideas and pick up a hand warmer or two.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dec 6-11 specials


-2...twice as warm as yesterday...statistically we're moving in the right direction. ..practically not so much. The threat of snow is upon us, now if that comes to pass is  another story (guess). 100 putts,  a round of stretches and a couple of naps...sounds like a nice day indoors.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Frost update

Brrrr!! It is very cold out there this morning. The course will remain closed today and based on the forecast most likely the remainder of the week. I have posted a link to a USGA YouTube video regarding frost delays. If the link won't open, copy and paste it in Your web browser. Christmas is just around the corner and we have some great deals in the Golf  Shop. http://youtu.be/DRcE-gUVa3M

Stay warm!!


-5c...1-3 cm of snow in the 24 hr. forecast...where the h___ are we, the old country? ??!!!,??..get your rug vacuumed and your putter shined up, it looks like an indoor training day.
There are some really good deals in the proshop you could check out since you won't be rushing to a tee time soon.
Stretch out before your putting session, you don't want to pull a muscle.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013


-2c...not a cloud in sight...don't even wake up until 9:00...oh yeah I almost forgot ...the forecast high for today, 1c...what's going on at the curling rink today? ..opening at all today will be a (minor) miracle. The proshop will be open for all your xmas shopping though. Enjoy your day.


Monday, December 2, 2013


Oops..forgot to blog yesterday...well I'll make up for that today be being a bit early with this blog.
When a person can see almost all (I said almost) the stars in the galaxy because it's so clear out and the calendar says it's December there is little (none, zip, nada, ) hope that the tee times will be on time. The question now becomes what time (if) will the temps come off. The forecast is for a balmy 5c (feels like 0c) so the experts don't think it's going to warm up too fast. It's -1c at the moment and will most likely drop another degree or so, SO, have a hearty breakfast,  an extra coffee, call a few friends you haven't spoken to for awhile then around 11:00ish call the proshop for an update. At least the sun is shining. Have a good one.


Saturday, November 30, 2013


Umbrellas would have been needed overnight but it looks like things have calmed right down this morning. The puddles are drying up as we speak and it should be a great weekend for golf, so come out and enjoy the conditions.

Friday, November 29, 2013


The forecasters claim we'll get the odd shower today but I see no evidence of it yet. All we know for sure is that there is no frost and the start will be on time. At this time of year that's all a golfer wants to hear. Enjoy your round.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Christmas Specials

Well it's time to think about Christmas. Here is our 1st week of specials in the Golf Shop:
December 1st: buy any putter and receive one dozen Prov1's FREE. 
December 2nd: Three wheel push carts $149.95
December 3rd: all golf bags 25% off
December 4th: all clothing 50% off. 
December 5th: hats, towels, gloves and golf balls 25% off

Weekly special: December 1-5
1) 10 game punchcard $350.00
2) 3 lesson series $135 
12 lesson coaching program $500 (coaching program includes 6 months of range use from date of 1st lesson). 


It's cooled off a tad from yesterday morning and the reason I mention it is that we have frost...yes I know, it's horrible...now if (here we go with the ifs again) the cloud cover intensifies the frost won't last long ...if it stays the same we might (that's a definitive statement) be awhile..if it starts, well you get the picture...the start will be delayed (maybe). It's almost winter, chill out. If your out we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Yeahhhhhh....the frost is leaving...ok almost gone...might be all gone by the time you get here IF things stay the same ...did you notice the big if...at any rate you will be putting on greens today (#2 Glen, #5 Pines are still being stubborn (they both have a dark side)). Get out and get your fix as it looks dire for next week....bbbrrrrrrr...we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013


It's a tad warmer this morning but still frosty...we're getting closer to opening on time...temps will start the day, then it's up to mother nature and we all know how she can be. There is a chance of showers so who knows?


Monday, November 25, 2013

Winter boots

Well, the front nine is open on temporary greens today. Just in time as we just received our shipment of Oregon Mudder winter boots. Come on out and get yours before they're gone. 


I wonder what day next week that Rider Nation will ease up on the celebrations. Oh, for those who don't know, Saskatchewan won the Grey Cup...Rider green flows in the veins of most past and present residents of the old country and that does include me... To the here and now...-1c...it hasn't warmed up enough to thaw the greens so the best we will do today will be temps on the Glen,  if at all. Call the proshop around 11:00 for an update. It's best not to get your hopes up too high as we need temperatures above freezing overnight to change our current situation. You could pray for rain but then you run the risk of getting what you ask for, in spades. You choose.


Sunday, November 24, 2013


Ohhh, when will this terrible,  clear weather end? ?..cold and frozen describes the golf course this morning. We are desperately trying to get the course open but mother nature (to quote an English lad) "has her knickers in a knot" and isn't cooperating. Hopefully she relents soon and thaws this place out. Check with the proshop around 11:00 for an update.


Saturday, November 23, 2013


Very similar scenario as yesterday's. The temperature went up a couple of degrees overnight but it was still below freezing on the course and things are looking and feeling very winterish. Frost on the grass and frozen turf underneath. It may hit a whopping 6 degrees later today, though, so give the pro shop a call around 11:00 to see if we're able to open on temps. No guarantees but, hey, you never know.

Friday, November 22, 2013


We're sitting at -3 degrees, ever so slightly "warmer" than yesterday but not enough to throw the clubs in the car. Give the pro shop a call around 11:00 to see if any golf can be salvaged from the cold.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

#1 Pines

Might be -3 in my car right now but it is great to see the sun coming up. Unfortunately it won't be an early start on the course today. If you're looking to play today give us a call aroun 11:00 for an update. 


-5c...what the? ???..it's pretty quiet at the course when it gets this cold...the veterans(golf) stay home and practice putting on the piece of carpet that stimps 10 and get some much needed stretching done. They will be ready to take your money when the course thaws out. Temps by 11:00ish. Use your off time wisely.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


-4c ..need I say more...?..I guess I'd better,  seeing that it's the start of winter...obviously we have frost but there is a new problem added to the equation. ..frozen ground...so when the sun comes up and melts the frost on the grass,  the ground will still be frozen, SO, we will have temps on the front nine until the greens thaw and the back will be closed until all the greens on the front are open. This will be standard practice for the winter..now I know the question is "when can we get out on temps"?..to that I would guess 10:00ish for today...and the greens should thaw by noon, if mother nature cooperates...tomorrow will be different so make sure to check here for updates.  Enjoy the sunshine and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013


9mm of rain over night but it seems to of stopped now and the forecast is clear for the next week...bring it on, I say,  we're tough,  we can handle all the sunshine mother nature can throw at us. Sun visors or ball caps, take your pick, they will be needed. We'll see you out there.


Monday, November 18, 2013


What's going on with stormy November? ..not that I'm complaining, just wondering. It's just overcast enough to keep it frost free and the showers today (if we get any)will be light. On a side note, how did the Saskatchewan Roughriders do yesterday, I wasn't able to catch the game...it's a marvelous day and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, November 17, 2013


Now this is a typical mid November day...a bit of rain and 3c...at least it's not -21c like it is in Calgary...go Riders go...just a side note there...the start should be on time, that is if this drizzle doesn't turn to snow..just sayin'...have fun and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Frost Update

The greens have thawed out and the first group will tee off in about 15 minutes. Have fun out there.


Let's cut to the chase: FROST is upon us. It will take some direct sunlight to get us going this morning, so you should have time for another bite of breakfast before your round. Hopefully, there won't be much of a delay. Once it warms up the rest of the day looks to be clear and sunny. Enjoy your game.

Friday, November 15, 2013


It looks like an overnight shower just missed us and so far it's frost-free and cloudy at the course. There are rumours of light rain today but we'll choose to ignore them while we enjoy the great golf conditions. Enjoy your round.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Just a few clouds this morning, just enough to keep the temperature a balmy 7c...the rest of the day,  sunny.
The rest of the week looks good as well. Golfing without a jacket at the same time there are Xmas commercials on TV, ...mark that on the calendar because that doesn't happen often. Enjoy the sunshine and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Mostly clear(ish) and 7c..now that's how to start the day..an umbrella to keep the sun off today might be a bit much but you never know ...keep it handy just in case ..chip it close and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013


It's raining at the moment BUT if you look at the satellite photos it won't be lasting too much longer...then sunshine and warm(ish). Another great golf day ahead. Putt true and we'll see you out there.


Monday, November 11, 2013


Cloudy and warmish...the rain is supposed to hold off until this evening which leaves another opportunity to play a round without rain gear and at this time of year a rare occasion. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, November 10, 2013


It doesn't look like it at the moment but the day is going to be just about perfect for a round of golf. ..no rain, light breeze and a bit of sunshine...what more can you ask for from a golf game in November, other than seven or eight birdies(that's not greedy). Play well and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, November 9, 2013


After a night with no rain we have a bit of cloud cover to keep the frost away this morning. I may be easily amused but to type that in November is very satisfying. Enjoy the great conditions out there.

Friday, November 8, 2013

November 8th??

Can you believe this is November 8th? Looks like a golf day to me. Fairways are dry and greens are stimping around 10.5!! Come on out, only $22.00 after 12:00. 


It's a bit brrrrrrrisk out there this morning. There is definitely frost in the air but none has made it to the grass as of yet. If it does settle in with the sunrise it shouldn't be too extreme an event, so I don't anticipate much of a delay if any. Enjoy the sun today and play well.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Deluge- a great flood
            - a heavy downpour
Now I don't think it's all that bad but it's getting close. The shower/deluge is supposed to stop around 10:00ish, then if you wait 30 min. for the course to drain you'll be good to go. Have fun and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I'm a little (ok a lot)suspicious about the, cloudy with sunny breaks, forecast for this morning. Hopefully they get it right. We might need umbrellas for the next few days but who knows, the showers could miss us altogether its happened before. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Cloudy and kind of warm...Yeahhhh. ..no frost..just a few showers for today so again another great golf day..hit 'em straight and we'll see you out there.


Monday, November 4, 2013


-2c...there is going to a delay to the start time today..if the sun shines the delay shouldn't be that long. The forecast is for showers a little later in the day. Planning your round a little later in the day is prudent this time of year. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, November 3, 2013


Wow...that was a nice storm that rolled through. ..40+ mil.s of rain..the course handled it real well as we hardly have any puddles hanging around...we do have frost though...I think that with the extra hour we have this morning there should be only a slight delay of the stsrt time, if any. Enjoy the sunshine and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Deluge Saturday

WOW. By the time I got here this morning over 4cm of rain had fallen overnight, and they're predicting another 4cm by the time the storm runs its course. There is standing water on every surface a golf course can possess, so this is obviously a morning for early Christmas shopping. It will be a bit before the course is playable, so enjoy whatever other dry activity you get up to this morning. We'll see you when we're able to!

Friday, November 1, 2013


The forecasted rain keeps being pushed back but they're saying that we'll all be soggy by tomorrow. Come on out today and walk off your post-Halloween sugar hangovers. Enjoy your day.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

November rates

Tomorrow, November 1st marks the first day for our winter rates. $35 for 18 holes includes 3 Callaway golf balls. Bring a foursome or more for $30.00 including 3 Callaway balls. After 12:00pm, $22.00 for as many as you want to play. 


We had just enough rain to quell the threat of an overnight forest fire, said the exaggerating blogger. What looks to be true, though, is that today will be much drier than the next couple of days. Enjoy the last bit of our strangely dry October. Happy Halloween, ghouls and goblins.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


After yesterday's very chilly start you'll be happy to know that the cloud cover has kept the frost at bay so far this morning. If things stay that way we'll get going on time and you may even be able to get in a dry 18 holes before a few light showers come through later in the day. Enjoy your round.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


It's below zero here at the course this morning and it shows. It's a frosty, white wonderland out there. We got going around 9:30 yesterday but it wasn't as cold as it is this morning, so the delay will certainly be longer today. Take your time with breakfast and check back in a couple of hours for an update.

Monday, October 28, 2013


It is going to be a beautiful day once the frost lifts. We are anticipating a 9:30 start which will push tee times back about 45 minutes. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Clear and warm(ish)..what gives? ??..it looks like it's going to be a marvelous start to day...and to top it off,  there is just enough of a breeze to keep it from getting too hot. Great golfing weather for this time of year so make sure you get out and enjoy it. We'll see you out there.


Saturday, October 26, 2013


Thanks to a light shower overnight we've been left without the possibility of frost. Does that mean the fog has been rained away as well? Let's hope so. Enjoy your game today.

Friday, October 25, 2013


There isn't any frost to speak of and for a while it wasn't even foggy. However, the fog has rolled in over the past twenty minutes, so the scene here should look remarkably familiar this morning. Play well and stay alert!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Fogged in this morning. ..I certainly prefer sunny and frosty over this pea soup..it was clear and cold all night then the soup moved in around 6:00ish. Be prepared for a bit of a delay in the start either to a bit of frost left or poor visibility (we wouldn't want to start hitting into the group ahead now would we). Have fun and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


See yesterdays blog....today is a carbon copy of yesterday. The afternoons have been just awesome for a round of golf and nobody is out playing...weird how that is, foggy and cold in the morning the course is full...sunny and warm in the afternoon nobody around. Go figure... We'll see you out there.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Clear skies so far this morning...as we all know, that could change at any moment and the fog could roll in...BUT...in the mean time we have frost . If it stays clear we will have a delay to the start...9:30ish would be a good time to aim for to start your warm up. If it fogs over again the start should be on time and if your aunt had b___(whiskers)she'd be your uncle (an old saying from the old country (Sask.)). Confusing isn't it .We'll see you out there.


Monday, October 21, 2013


It's sunny and 15c with a slight breeze....above the fog...here at ground level it's pea soup again...good news...no frost..my high intensity light is working overtime that's why I'm in such a good mood these (dark dreary ) days. Play well and if we're close enough we'll see you out there.


Sunday, October 20, 2013


There is a bit of a breeze trying to keep the fog from dropping right down...the good news is that there is no frost and it's up to mother nature to decide whether we can see the whole course today or not. Hit it down the middle and (maybe) we'll see you out there.


Saturday, October 19, 2013


If I could see anything through the fog I'd know whether or not we have frost. Thankfully, it's mild enough that we can safely assume we're frost free. Visibility, however, is another issue. I never thought I'd say this, but "golf safely"!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fog update

We have visibility up to 150 yards. Course is open. Good luck!

Weather delay

The fog has rolled in heavier then yesterday. Currently we cannot see the putting green from the Gol Shop. For golfer safety the course will remain closed until visibility improves. We will update again at 9:00am. 

Thank you for your patience. 


It feels odd to hope for clouds but that's what we're doing this morning. It is quite frosty out there and it will likely hang around long enough to force a delay in start times. Everyone think warm thoughts and we'll see you out there as soon as we're able to.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rock paper scissors

Have you ever played rock paper scissors?  In golf terms fog beats frost..the fog rolled in and chased the frost away...we are open



If it's a clear bright full moon at this time of year there usually is frost and today is no exception. If I were golfing this morning, early, I'd have an extra cup of coffee...we probably won't get started until 9:30ish. The good news is that it's going to be sunny all day with above normal temperatures. My, we live in a good part of the country. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Keep up the good work to whoever's in charge of ordering up the weather. Wow, sunny during the day then throwing in the cloud at night to keep J.F. away, stellar. We are continuing to poke holes in the fairways so again, patience or we might be patients. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013


We live in a pretty good place..there is just enough cloud cover to keep old J.F. away and the rest of the day, not quite totally sunny but almost. We will be aerating the fairways again this week so please use caution and don't hit into us unless invited to. Sometimes we can't see you so be patient with us, we should be done this week. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.


Monday, October 14, 2013


Wouldn't you know it, Mother Nature throws a bit of a wrench (about a 1/4")into the system. It's a tad colder today than it was yesterday so there will be a delay in the start time...it shouldn't be too long as the sky is clear and the sun will shine warm as soon as it clears the tree tops. The remainder of the day will be stupendous. Enjoy whatever you do today and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, October 13, 2013


Well it was bound to happen...at present we have frost. Usually the first few frost events don't last too long so a delay of the start time shouldn't happen and if there is a delay, it won't be long. The really good news is that the forecast is sunny and warm for at least a week and maybe two...now we're talking! ! We'll see you out there.


Friday, October 11, 2013


It looks we'll be fortunate enough to avoid the frost issue once again. Enjoy that news but, as usual, don't quote me on it. The sun will be out for the foreseeable future, so take advantage of the great conditions and enjoy your game.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Are you kidding me! !!...there is a narrow and I mean narrow band of rain skirting the inside edge of the Island and it's just (oops I almost said a bad word) dumping on us..it will be short lived but still! ! ..the nerve of it all...there will be sunshine later so prepare yourself. We'll see you out there.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013


A clear night and just before sunrise a bit of cloud rolled in to hold off the frost..for now..maybe. We will be aerating the fairways for the rest of the week so your patience is appreciated. Play well and we'll see you out there


Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Juusstt another beautiful morning here at the course...nothing but sunshine for the rest of the day..we will start aerating the fairways today so please be patient and wait until we are out of harms way before hitting your shots...we cannot stop our equipment, like we usually do, as it will damage the turf if it sits in one spot...another necessary inconvenience that has to be done. Lift, clean and place where you need to. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Monday, October 7, 2013


The rain is over for today and the next week is going to be nice also. Wow, with all this sunshine we might need sunscreen, ...nahhh. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, October 6, 2013


It looks like another sunny day ahead and the extended looks really good as well (maybe a glitch or two). All you snow birds won't want to leave because it's sooo nice. Play well, have fun and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, October 5, 2013


And the drying trend continues... No rain fell overnight and it's relatively mild out there, so we'll start the day with no frost and firmer ground. Let the pin hunt begin.

Friday, October 4, 2013


It's pretty chilly out this morning and the clouds haven't rolled in like they did yesterday, so there's a better chance of frost settling in as the sun rises. Hope for the best and expect the worse?

The course is drying out slowly after last weekend's downpour but there are still soft spots around in the usual areas. Please take care to avoid them in power carts -- a soggy lie isn't a fun lie. Play well and enjoy your round.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


It's kind of clear out at the moment so as we all remember ..when it's a clear morning, at this time of year, we can expect frost...and don't think "it's not frosty at my house" because we at the golf course are in a big bowl where all the cold air comes to spend the night and we are colder than anywhere around. The good news is that the sun will shine today and the course did dry some yesterday. Have an awesome day and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013


It looks like the rain that was/is forecast for today has already happened...nothing but sunshine (at least no rain) for the rest of the day and into the weekend..we had 8mm of rain overnight so again there has been no appreciable drying on the course although it is still shoe friendly. We'll see you out there.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


If it didn't rain we'd never appreciate the sunshine...that's what I'm going with this week...another 14mm last night so it didn't dry out too too much..play well and we'll see you out there (maybe).


Monday, September 30, 2013


Now wasn't that just a special weekend.@'!?@!'?..just under 60mm of rain ...we have a nice breeze blowing this morning but it's not a drying wind by any stretch of the imagination. ..there are a couple of puddles around,  as can be expected. The forecast today is a mixed bag so layer up and buckle down, who knows,  it could be your best round ever. We'll see you out there.


Saturday, September 28, 2013


It's hard to say how today's golf weather is going to turn out. The radar suggests most of the rain may miss us while the forecast isn't quite so positive. There are whispers of rain and wind that we're once again choosing to ignore. The course dried out nicely overnight after yesterday's "precipitation event", so if you ask me things are just fine in the golf world. Enjoy your round today.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Okay, diehards, who's got the guts?? Alright, that may be a bit strong but there certainly is water falling from the sky and it is likely to stay that way for a few days yet. I recommend getting in a round this morning before any puddles start to form and your toes get wet. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Yikes...I'm about to use the f word ...no the five letter one...frost. It won't be a game delay event but it has reared it's ugly head for the first time this fall. The rest of the day is going to be sunny and warm so again "make hay while sun shines" and whatever you do don't look at the long range forecast. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Did everyone see the fresh snow on Mt. Arrowsmith yesterday? Like they say on my favorite t.v. show..
"winter's coming". As for the next couple of days...brilliant sunshine and warm. Dare I mention another saying (this one from the old country (Saskatchewan)).."get while the gettin's good".. We'll see you out there.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013


There are a few showers expected today and if we remember anything it is that most showers tend to miss us, sooo, another good day for golf. Hit it down the middle. We'll see you out there.


Monday, September 23, 2013


It looks like the worst of the rain showers are over for the day and there is just enough of a breeze to keep the mosquitoes at bay. Just another beautiful day in paradise. We did get a few good showers yesterday so there are a couple of puddles around but all in all nothing to worry about. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, September 22, 2013


Now this is fall weather...rain with a wind warning for this morning, tapering off this evening. Will it get so bad that golf will no longer be fun? ...I say nay..golf is always fun...well almost always. Make some birdies and the round will be fun in any conditions. Putt well and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, September 21, 2013


Socked in. Anyone trying to tee off half an hour ago would have been hard-pressed to see their ball on the tee through the fog. It has eased off a bit since then, though, and hopefully that trend continues. You can't pin hunt if you can't see the pin. The sun is due to come out later on and not much rain is expected today, so I guess we're in for a bit of everything. Keep your head down and have fun.    

Friday, September 20, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Another 'beautiful day in the neighbourhood'...tomorrow? ?..not so much. I hope the professional weathermen are wrong (like usual) about the next couple of weeks..don't even look. Play well today and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Now that is a full moon...you must make an effort to see this one..tonight might be the last opportunity as the forecast is a bit dicey for the next couple of weeks...can you believe that.?!?. Today and tomorrow are going to be fine for golfing, now wether the golfing is fine will be up to you. Putt well and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I think I've used this term before but it is true nonetheless. ..'my how time flies when your having fun'. Fall is soon upon us with all the fine things that it brings us...leaves turning, garden produce, no wasps, cooler weather, rain, frost....whoa ....sinking deep and fast there. Today will be a typical fall day and we can look forward to a bunch of these in the future as it's supposed to be a wonderful fall coming up. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Thursday, August 22, 2013


A double digit temperature overnight ...summer is back...sunshine today and it looks like for the next week also..that is sure hard to take...poor us we have it tough...don't overheat, drink lots of water...we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Another bright (full moon) morning but, (when I see a but after a statement I always tense up) kind of cool...9c...we have a full month of summer left and it feels like fall already. The day is going to be filled with sunshine so a shade umbrella should be part of your gear. Enjoy your round and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013


The clouds broke up and a brilliant full moon shone through...quite a sight. That must be an omen of a great day ahead. Look out golf course,  the stars (ok maybe moon)are aligned, the birdies will be dropping. Enjoy your round and we'll see you out there.


Monday, August 19, 2013


It looks like a dry week ahead with no rain forecast ( maybe Friday). The golf course thinks it's the middle of September the way the grass has taken off . I guess that's better than brown patches everywhere, unless you like extra roll when the ball hits then this growth spurt is really irritating. My how the mind wanders! ?!?!. Sunshine and 20c ...perfect golf weather...we'll see you out there.


Thursday, August 15, 2013


It looks like it's going to be a great day for a round of golf, not to hot and a bit of cloud to provide some respite from the glaring sunshine. It sure doesn't take long to get tired of cloudy, showery weather does it? Where does a person get one of those high intensity lights in case some who suffers from SAD (look it up) needs one.??!!?? Rumour has it that the course is serving up birdies on a silver platter. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Someone said the other day that night time was made so it could be the time for rain. It looks like that will be the case tonight. Now if we could just get that permanently in the events calender we'd be golden. Golf in the daytime, rain at night, perfect. It looks like a few days of unsettled weather is upon us then nothing but sunshine. That umbrella might have to serve double duty for the rest of the week. Putt true and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Ok I know what a lot of people are thinking...is this the end of summer? ..two days of rain (showers...light showers) and more in the forecast for later in the week (right).?..If we lived in any other part of the country these showers would almost go unnoticed as just a normal part of summer. Today is going to be sunny and all of next week and beyond (in the 14 day forecast period) shows nothing but sun so summer is still here. Get out and enjoy it and we'll see you out there.


Monday, August 12, 2013


Wow, when was the last time anyone ever mentioned 1.75mm of rain as an event of interest. Never ...until now. The first measurable rainfall in 45 days. Did it help anything? ..not really...just worth mentioning for useless trivia. What about the PGA Championship? Now that is a popular win, to bad he's so excitable. ..play well and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013


My, time flies when your having fun.!? Day 40 of no rainfall and surprise surprise, nothing in sight for the near future. Our neighbours in the province just east of us are jealous of our weather as they can't put three days together without rain. At this point I'm not sure which is worse.  One of these days things will return to normal and then we can start complaining about rain again. Mother Nature  sure likes to keep everyone off balance.


Sunday, July 28, 2013


Rainforest, ...not lately...last rainfall June 27, and no rainfall in sight. I know that your thinking that that is a good thing being summer and all but this is the first time since I've been here in this country (20 years) that we haven't had some rain in July (18mm ave.). The forest is dry and it's a blessing that the temperatures have been normal or just below or we could be in a bind. I, for one ,am praying for rain...any helpers? Putt well and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, July 27, 2013


Warm and dry in July...the pattern continues. You should continue to get a lot of roll out of the fairways for some time yet, so enjoy the extra distance. Even more incentive to hit them straight down the middle, I suppose. As usual, stay hydrated and have fun out there.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


We have another visitor I haven't seen before...as we were playing 13 yesterday evening a Nighthawk was going about its business over the lake. If you haven't seen one in action you might want to play a bit later in the day and catch this aerial act, it's quite a sight. The course is getting that summer look and the ball is rolling so take one less club and 'let 'er buck'. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Monday, July 22, 2013


It's quite a busy place, out here on the golf course, just around day break. Rabbits and deer (why are there almost always rabbits in the vicinity of the deer? Is the Bambi and Thumper story true? ) bats keeping the mosquitoe population down, tons of robins and a National Geographic moment...a small hawk that ...brace for it...likes robins as well. Nature seems cruel sometimes. There is lots more to see out here so keep alert and you to might catch a moment. We'll see you out there.


Sunday, July 21, 2013


Wow, the full moon (almost full, the full moon is officially on Monday night) was nice and bright and happening over the weekend I wasn't too surprised to see some crazies (just a term, I don't know them personally)  out and about on my way to work this morning. What is it about a full moon that affects the young so strongly? ? I don't think they will be golfing today, but who knows . Slather and hydrate and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, July 20, 2013


Driving the course this morning, I heard nothing but my tires on the cart path and the call of a nearby owl. When I slowed down to listen for the "hooo" the owl said, "Man, was it hot out yesterday or what?" I couldn't argue, so stay hydrated today and enjoy your game.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Nice again blah, blah, blah, ...birdies blah, blah, blah...greens blah, blah, blah, ...rattlesnakes blah blah blah...just checking to see if your reading...have fun today and we'll see you out there.


Monday, July 15, 2013


Another fine day ahead...the temperature is supposed to ramp up a hair in the next couple of days then settle back down to normal (thank goodness...we wouldn't want a heat wave). Rumour has it that birdies are abundant. We'll see you out there.


Sunday, July 14, 2013


It looks like we had a glitch in the system hence the blog was gone for a couple of days, well were back...at any rate you didn't miss too much. The weather hasn't changed any (boring sunshine and warm) , the course is in summer shape and the birdies are plentiful. Isn't paradise grand? Bring a friend with you and share a laugh. We'll see you out there.


Thursday, July 11, 2013


You won't have to worry about mosquitoes this morning, we have just enough of a  breeze to keep them at bay. Birdies on 9 & 10 today should be a breeze (hee hee, I kill myself sometimes). Have fun and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Wow, another sunny day ahead. I'm getting used to the sight of umbrellas and the scent of sunscreen mixed together. We'll see you out there.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013


My my my time flies when your having fun...it looks like I missed a day somewhere..I guess I can't be blamed too much since all the days seem the same lately. ..sunny and warm..isn't paradise nice? ...it looks like another of the same today...I don't hear any "oh darns" to that. Play well have fun and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, July 7, 2013


Another day of sunshine at the Glen ...this time of year is sure boring when it comes to weather. ..sun sun sun ...when will it stop? ...We'll see you out there.


Saturday, July 6, 2013


You know, if it wasn't for showering I wouldn't even remember what rain looks or feels like. The warm trend continues here at Pheasant Glen (and nowhere else, no matter what you may hear). Come on out and enjoy the sunshine. Play well.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Sun sun sun and more sun....summer is here on the west coast. By the time Sunday rolls around and the temperature spikes higher we should be somewhat acclimatized to the warm weather and not suffer nearly as bad as earlier this week. Paradise for all on the golf course with birdies waiting on every hole. Come out and get your share. We'll see you out there.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013


It looks like we are going to get a break from this horrendous heat wave which I might add is taking a tremendous toll on all normal people (displaced (or is that misplaced) Mexicans excluded). Today will be near a normal day in July so still hydrate, slather and cover your head but you don't need to tow a cooler of water around with you just to survive.  By the way, doesn't the long grass look nice waving in the breeze? Play well and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Ok ok ok....that's enough...whats with this country ...from almost winter to full blown, melt almost everything, summer! !?!!? Where are the cold drinks? ? The word of the day is hydrate...in addition to the sunsreen and shade umbrella a couple of bottles of water are now a necessity in your golf bag. Drink lots (water silly) and play well. We'll see you out there.


Monday, July 1, 2013


Happy Canada Day everyone. It's going to be a fabulous day with nothing but sunshine...it's an umbrella day and this time for the right reason, shade. Sunscreen and a couple of bottles of water thrown in the bag and your set. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, June 29, 2013


3..2..1..Summer. I think it's here. Trade your rain umbrellas for your sun umbrellas and enjoy the heat. You may have to hit your drives a bit harder to carry the ball through the humidity, but it's kind of fun to ignore common sense and swing as hard as you can once in a while. Have fun out there.

Friday, June 28, 2013


I really shouldn't mention this but half of the sky was actually blue earlier this morning. It has since reverted back to the grey smudge we've gotten so accustomed to this "summer". Just one more day, though...one more day and we'll be complaining about how hot it is. I promise? Enjoy your game today.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


It seems to have started earlier than forecast. !!!?'''??'@???. Just had to get that off my chest. Umbrella, rain gloves, extra towel...now your ready for today's round...next week is going to be hot hot hot...start drinking now (water )(on second thought. ...). Play well.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


My oh my oh my...the long range forecast starting Sunday is nothing but sun...I hope everyone is ready, summer's coming..until then an umbrella should be near at all times...the greens are rolling true and the fairways are wide so birdies will be the norm today, right men? ?..play well and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013


A slight breeze (35km/h) out of the east and I think the term is Scotish mist wafts down. How can you tell it's ladies day, it's always nice weather on ladies day. The good news is that it's summer. Yeahhhh! ?!?? It looks like an umbrella day which will be handy if the sun shines. The greens are rolling good so the birdie juice should flow freely today. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Monday, June 24, 2013


Wow, wasn't that a beautiful sight last night...the super moon...so bright and big ..wow...wait, it was cloudy last night, maybe we'll see it tonight. ..no? ..cloudy again. .the next night? ..nope...oh well we saw it last year and it was ...nope, cloudy last year..oh well, it looked good on tv, hi def. and all. ..it looks like a spot of bother with the weather for the next couple of days but did you notice the long range is nothing but sun? ??....don't throw your sunscreen away..we'll see you out there.


Sunday, June 23, 2013


Have you ever been out in the pre-dawn, wandering about, and seen a deer shrouded in the mist arising off the ponds? ...it looks quite mystical . What's with the rabbit that is almost always nearby. Are they really buddies or is it just some quirk of nature. I wonder if the deer finds it annoying that that little critter is always spying on him..whoa,... starting to think to much...the day is supposed to be nice so we'll see you there.


Saturday, June 22, 2013


For once, commenting on the nice weather ahead didn't cause it to rain. Let's test the limits by noting the trend of dry weather should stick with us for a couple more days. Conditions are fantastic -- enjoy them and play well.

Friday, June 21, 2013


The forecast for the next few days was looking pretty bleak -- by that, of course, we mean WET -- but it seems to have improved a bit. Word must have gotten out that summer has officially arrived. A few scattered showers should be all that comes between you and a few birdies. Come on out and sink a few.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


The last time we had the weather front coming from Montana it rained for three weeks...just saying...play well and we'll see you out there.

p.s...enjoy the longest day of the year....waahoo summer is here.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


When did the world change...the weather systems are now coming out of the east. ..not good news..today is going to be nice then after, not so much...July is just around the corner and it is always, well mostly nice...play well and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


There are a few fawns on the course this spring and a couple of times I've been fooled thinking that a head cover has been dropped on the ground and when I got close it's a fawn hiding on the fairway (in plain site). As I was going around this morning I saw another lump in the fairway and thought 'aha' another fawn...not...as I got close, to my surprise, it was a divot..a divot? ?? are you kidding? ? a divot the size of a small deer and you didn't even try to replace it? ??...wow! !..I hope the next time you play,  the course is in as good shape as it was the last time....a divot...wow.....we'll see you out there.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Ladies Learn and Play

Summer Specials


Coming from the prairies, yesterdays thunderstorm was quite enjoyable. Sorry all you astraphobes. It looks like the next few days are going to be much of the same. Remember now, lightning is dangerous so if there is any in the area seek shelter (not under trees, that is not shelter) until the storm has passed (the restaurant comes to mind ). Hopefully the storms all pass in the night and leave us golfers alone, some of us have enough trouble with the game without throwing in a light show distraction. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, June 16, 2013


You know those kind of days. ..a mild morning,  just a slight breeze, a few clouds hanging about and the feeling that "this is going to be a marvelous day"? ...well this is one of those days! !! Today the drives will go straight, the approaches close and the birdies will fall...I think there is a 65 (gross) waiting out there for someone, I just feel it. Do you dare?  We'll see you out there.


Saturday, June 15, 2013


Two dry days in a row so far. If we make it through today this third day will feel like some kind of record. The great thing about this kind of weather pattern is how it keeps the course lush and green, so pack a camera in your bag and capture it for posterity. Enjoy your game.

Friday, June 14, 2013


Ok, that's better. The only moisture to contend with is dew on your pant legs and you don't need rain gear for that. We may even stay dry for three or four days, so come on out and take advantage of the great conditions while they last. Play well and have fun.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Let that be the last of it, please. Another third of an inch of rain fell yesterday, believe it or not. I know, you believe it. If today's sunny forecast doesn't prove true I vote we all move to Palm Springs.
Play well and stay dry.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Anyone else's boots still damp from yesterday's "summer shower"? Ugh. There may be a shower or two later this morning but anyone with an early tee time should stay on the drier side of things. Should. Have fun out there.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


There is just a small shower passing over just to freshen up the morning, how nice is that? Sunny skies by 8:00. What a beautiful piece of paradise we live in. Birdie juice is a must today ladies. Enjoy your day and we'll see you out there.


Monday, June 10, 2013


It's a clear calm morning out here on the course...at times (a lot) I pity those who don't get to experience this on a daily basis..it is truly beautiful out here. Come join us and hopefully we'll see you out here.
Young Tom and his family were at Grandma's for dinner and when the food came he started right in on it. His mother was appalled and said to Tom to wait until after the pre meal prayer like they do at home. Tom said he didn't have to do that because he was at Grandma's . His mother, surprised, asked why that was. Tom said " because she can cook".
Enjoy your day.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


There is a slight breeze this morning which helps to keep the mosquitoes away. Some people must of been complaining about how much sunscreen they've been using (and someone was listening) so now it looks like a week of mostly sun and partly cloudy. Whoever holds that power I'd like to talk to you about a certain lottery. Any day on the golf course is a good day so enjoy yours. We'll see you out there.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Ping Demo Day

Ping will be on the range today from 10-3. Come on out and see all their new products. 
In case anyone has already forgotten what rain feels like, there's a chance of the odd shower this morning. After that, though, more sunshine. Enjoy it and play well.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Sunny, hot,  well warm anyway. I here rumours of good scores from a lot of people so the course is ripe for the picking. Course record anyone? We'll see you out there.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cobra Demo Day

Cobra Demo Day today from 12:00-4:00. We are very excited to be carrying this great line of golf clubs. Come on out and give them a try. 


Wow is this a great part of the country or what? A light shower this morning to keep the dust down, then nothing but sunshine. Our dust problem is controlled for another day. What a country .(Slather ). We'll see you out there.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013


This is getting monotonous. ..another sunny day in paradise.  Slather is the word. We'll see you out there.


Monday, June 3, 2013


Now this is more like it..clear skies and no chsnce of rain today. Summer is close...play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, June 2, 2013


Today is the day that the sun is going to shine, bank on it. At present we have a slight breeze out of the North West with clear skies. No rain today! Put your shorts on, slathered on the sunscreen and come get some birdies ,they are awaiting. Fairways, greens ,one putts, easy game. We'll see you out there.


Saturday, June 1, 2013

We're starting the day with a bit of a shower but not much accumulation is expected. I know, I've said that before... Let's hope the forecast holds and that a few days of sunshine really do come along in the next week. I think we could all use a bit of Vitamin D. Have fun out there.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Well, we had yet another brief downpour yesterday to add to our recent collection. We may get lucky today, though, as the call is actually for a bit of sunshine.

Just a reminder of the obvious: all of the rain we've had lately has left the course quite wet and soggy in a few spots. We'd like to ask that power carts remain on the cart paths as much as possible, and if it's necessary to be out on the grass please stick to the high ground and avoid any puddles and soft spots. Trust me, they're easy to spot and even easier to avoid.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Heh heh heh I see clear skies...all you people who were laminating the cloudy rainy wet weather rejoice, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's the sun. Keep your sunscreen handy, you might need it within the next few days. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013


What the ...??? Have you ever seen the likes of this weather at this time of year? I can't remember whining so much this late in the year of course my remembery isn't as good as it once was. The guys just reminded me I was whining just as bad last June. Thanks guys. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Close to 20mm with gusts to 39kph...Have you ever heard the saying "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all"? We'll see you out there.


Monday, May 27, 2013


What can I say about today (and not slip into the depths of despair), the uv rating is at the low end so there is a substantial savings on sunscreen! ?!? The rain is supposed to be light but as we all know, here at the course , showers miss us more often than not. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, May 26, 2013


It is supposed to be a lot better today than it was yesterday, weather wise. I don't think a double dose of sunscreen is necessary but bring some along just the same. The greens are receptive so birdies will come easy. Come out and get your share. Have fun and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

You know, it has been so bright out the last couple of nights/early mornings that you could have golfed by the light of the full moon if not for the threat of werewolves. On the safer side, your round today should be lit by the sun, threatened by only the possiblility of the odd shower and a missed shot or two. Those we can all deal with. Enjoy your game.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Anyone tired of being soggy can take solace in the fact that we look to be in for a dry spell until at least Tuesday, or so we're being led to believe. As for this morning, any leftover puddles are fewer and farther between and the greens are begging for birdies. Come on out and show them how it's done. Have fun.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


If this was a day in January or February it wouldn't be upsetting so why does a rainy morning in May cause so much angst. It couldn't be that it is the tenth day out of the last twelve that we've had rain, no not that! ?!? The silver lining is that it should stop raining in the next hour or so then sun. As a character on one of my favorite tv shows says "happy happy happy". Play well and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


When you see the temperature is only 7c don't despair, it feels warmer than that...the sun is going to make an appearance today so I guess that makes for a better than average day for golf...have fun and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Isn't this weather just a peach! ?!! D__n rain forest! ! We have received just over 13mm of rain up to this point so there are a few puddles out there . It looks like the worst is over though so maybe by the afternoon? ????? Aaauuuggghhhh! !!??!! I had to let that out,  I promise to be better tempered tomorrow (maybe).


Monday, May 20, 2013


The first holiday weekend of the, what would you call it, summer?  didn't turn out too bad, not to much rain and not to hot. Really a perfect west coast weekend. Enjoy the last day of it as the clouds are supposed to roll in a bit later. There are still some birdies for the taking so get your share before they're all gone. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, May 19, 2013


No rain in store for us and just enough cloud cover to keep the temperature from soaring too high...sounds like a perfect day for golf. The course is in good shape after the down pour we received Friday and the greens are receptive so prepare for an onslaught of birdies. ..drive it straight, hit it close, one putt, celebrate (not to many) now that's how the game should go. We'll see you out there.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Anyone lucky enough to have been out here yesterday afternoon is still damp, I guarantee it. If that was a "spring shower" I'd hate to see what "rain" looks like. It died out as fast it showed up, though, so there's only the odd puddle left to deal with this morning. We may get a much tamer sprinkling throughout the day before the sun returns for a great day tomorrow. I suppose spring really is as fickle as my golf game. Play well.

Friday, May 17, 2013

It may not be the brightest of mornings out there but at least it's dry (at least for now). The forecasters say we may have to grin and bear it through a spell of rain over the next day or two; however, things are looking up for the beginning of next week-- maybe even Sunday. The greens are rolling smooth and true no matter what the weather, though, so I know we'll see you out here hunting for birdies. Enjoy your game.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


No wind, cloudy and fairly mild...not a bad start to the day. The sun is supposed to peek out periodically today and the temperature not too hot (whew), all in all a great golfing day. The first long weekend of the summer is almost upon us which always prompts even the infrequent golfers to knock the dust off their clubs so make a tee time in advance to make sure you get your favorite time. The rumours are that the birdies are falling this week so get out and get your share. Putt well and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013


A few clouds this morning but it looks like the worst of the rain is over and then the rest of the week is good. It's not going to be too hot today so layer up and make a few birdies (ladies) to keep warm. I find it funny that as soon as 'The Mexican' gets back we get all this bad weather, not blamin' , just sayin'. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Another cloudy morning to start the day but the rain is supposed to hold off until tonight so once again another great day for golf..putt well and we'll see you out there.


Monday, May 13, 2013


The forecast is for light rain today but when I look at the satellite photos I see a split in the clouds and it seems like it is going to pass right over us. Now that is good news for a game today but kind of bad news for the rain forest we live in. It's been dry for  quite awhile and a spell of wet weather would be good for the whole area..just sayin'...have fun and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, May 12, 2013


Well the good news is that there is no dust to bother us this morning and that the greens will be receptive. ..what a great day for a round of golf. Happy Mothers Day to all mothers, I hope you get to enjoy it with your family. Just a few showers forecast for today and we all know that those seldom affect us here at the course so shine up mom's clubs and we'll see you out here.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Ok, maybe the rain rumour is true but we may be lucky enough to get through one more day without it. Some clouds will keep us company today but all of that blue sky was getting a bit boring. What's a canvas without a bit of paint? The course is in great shape so come on out and enjoy it.

Friday, May 10, 2013

There are rumours of impending rain about but we'll have none of that nonsense today. Look forward to sunshine and all of 20 degrees as you warm up before today's round. Enjoy your game.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Thank goodness it has cooled down some from the intolerable heat of earlier this week...I don't understand how people can survive when all there is but sunshine and temperatures above 24c..nuts..the weekend looks good with some rain expected..back to normal..Putt well and we'll see you out there.

ps..happy birthday Ed Raz.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Wow time flies when your having fun, it almost feels like I missed a day. Weird. We had some unexpected visitors on the range a couple of days ago. Four Sandhill cranes touched down for a few minutes on their way north. It isn't very often we see them so it was nice we got a good view of them while they were here. Another sunscreen day ahead, oh darn. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Monday, May 6, 2013


Another mild morning awaits...this is getting monotonous, day after day, the same warm weather, maybe it should rain then things will change up. Play well, keep the sunscreen handy and have fun. We'll see you out there.


Sunday, May 5, 2013


I don't want to be overly optimistic but I think spring is here...wow is it nice to get a bit of warmth overnight. Bring your umbrellas (shade) and slather lotion (sunscreen) , the next week, yes week, is going to be sunny and warm. Factor in the extra distance your ball will go because it will roll some now. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

And once again we start the day with a distinct and welcome lack of frost. When the stars are out in force and the grass isn't white you know summer is on its way. Throw in a forecasted high of 19 today and we're in for a beautiful day for golf. Enjoy your round.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Could that be it for this season's frost? I think I'll hold my tongue on that one. Today, though, has started frost-free and looks to continue that way. We may even see 18 degrees this afternoon, so come on out and enjoy the conditions.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


It feels like a heat wave has overtaken us...5c, whew, almost hot...if this keeps up it should be a frost free morning. ..nothing but sunshine in the forecast so the word of the weekend is slather (sunscreen ). Hit it straight. We'll see you out there.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Well well well, what do you call someone who comes for a visit and doesn't want to leave? ..Jack Frost is that something..again it is white out here. At least it warms up in the afternoon. Today's start will be delayed a bit so have another cup of whatever you start your day with and wait for the frost to leave. Afternoon golf is great this time of year. Just sayin' . Hit it straight, putt like a demon and the game is easy. We'll see you out there.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013


What the? ?? It is white out here. Old Jack showed up last night the bum! The start should still be close to on time if the sun does its normal thing. Not to hot of a day forthcoming thankfully, we wouldn't want that at this time of year, nasty. Have a great round today. There is a rumor going around that the course is playing easy as the birdies are falling. Ladies! We'll see you out there.


Monday, April 29, 2013


What a pleasant start to the day..a little shower overnight (5mm) to keep the dust down and a nice breeze (NW20 -gusts to 40) to keep the mosquitoes away and a moderate temperature (4c) so we won't get overheated too early...another bonus is that the start will be on time. I just happened to notice that there is a snowfall warning for southern Saskatchewan for tonight and tomorrow so if you know anyone back there you might want to contact them to let them know that they aren't the only ones who are having a rough spring. They are always happy to hear kind wishes from us on the wet coast. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, April 28, 2013


It's a bit cool this morning and as of yet still no frost so it looks like a go for the start time. There are just a few days left in April so it won't be long now until Jack  Frost will be just a bad memory and the new worry will be heatstroke. Right! ?!.Have a great round and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Another beautiful morning at the golf course. The "light shower" that was called for is currently nothing but a dark cloud. Let's hope it stays that way. In other (good) news, the course is frost-free and the start will be on time. Enjoy your round.

Friday, April 26, 2013

As if to tease us about the possibility of frost, the largest moon a guy ever did see shined its light on some very cold blades of grass this morning. However, the threat was idle and it looks like we'll be starting on time this morning. Play well and enjoy your day.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


It's funny (not laughing funny, weird funny)that just a wee bit of cloud cover can keep enough heat in to keep Jack, the 5 letter f word, away. The start will be on time today, hallelujah brother. Bring sunscreen again it will be needed.  Play fair and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013


A brilliant almost (tomorrow) full moon lights up the course this morning and the frost is sparkling like a field of diamonds...it would be almost awe inspiring except it is frost and there will be a delay in the start time. ..d__n frost, d__n almost full moon . 8:30 will be a good target for a start time this morning, poor robins eating frozen worms. With the sun out all day a slather of sunscreen before heading out might be a good idea. Play nice and we'll see you out there..did I mention we have frost? D__n frost!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Another frosty morning to greet us but there is some cloud cover moving in (temporary) so it(frost) might not last too long. The start will be close to on time. The forecast for today is a carbon copy of yesterday so that won't be too hard to take. We have to remember that there is still a full week of April left yet so we (me) can't get impatient with the lack of heat. Play well, have fun and we'll see you out there.


Monday, April 22, 2013


The robins are complaining loudly this morning, all the worms are frozen. The thermometer is at 0c and the course is white. Now you can phone/email your friends on the prairies and tell them we have it rough out here too. The start might be delayed a bit, it all depends on how fast the sun warms up (wow is that insight or what). Bring sunscreen today, your going to need it. Hit it straight and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, April 21, 2013


Another fine day ahead and a fine week ahead as well. If my memory serves me correct (no jokes please) this April has been a tad drier and a tad warmer than normal and the course is all the better for it. With the warmth over the next week our spring aeration will soon be a bad memory and there will be no more excuses for sloppy putting. Have fun today and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

A few isolated showers are called for today but so far there isn't a hint of them. Let's hope it stays that way and that we get another taste of the great weather to come as we did yesterday afternoon. It should be a great week for golf. Bend your knees, keep your head down and swing for the fences.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Any fair weather golfers waiting for the skies to clear have only one, maybe two days to go until sunglasses and sandals are the order of the day. To the rest of you who don't mind a raindrop or two, we'll see you on the course. Enjoy your round.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


We got just enough rain overnight to keep that darn dust down, thankfully...darn dust...what is that saying about April showers? Did anyone see the forecast for next week? Sun, sun, sun. Get ready! Play well and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Cloudy and kind of warm to start with. ..the Glen is open to start and the Pines will be open before lunch today so all in all a fairly quick aeration...don't be too hard on yourself if you miss a putt or two for the next couple of days but after that you can revert back to self loathing on any missed shot...have fun .


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Another clear cool morning greets us...the sun is going to shine bright today which is good because we are aerating the greens today..the Glen will be closed this morning while we poke holes in greens and as the forecast is for rain tomorrow afternoon we will start on the Pines when we are finished with the Glen. .it's a shame that we have to mess up our greens but it is a necessary practise. In a week or so we won't even notice the intrusion. Have fun today.


Monday, April 15, 2013


There is just enough cloud cover to keep the frost away so the start should be on time...a great golf day ahead with a slight breeze to keep the heat from being too oppressive. We will start aerating tomorrow so get out today and get your birdies on sandfree greens. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday to Assistant Golf Professional, Adam Haddad!! Hope you have a great Masters Sunday.


1c with frost in spots...The robins are exceptionally loud this morning and that makes me wonder if they are all complaining about how cold it is too...stupid cold...dress warm if you are teeing it up this morning...the frost might be a small problem for the early birds, it all depends on the clarity of the sunrise. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

We just avoided frost yesterday and it looks we'll be able to do the same today (as long as a few clouds hang around). With only a few isolated showers in the forecast this is a great time to get in a round as we'll be aerating the greens next week. Of course, you may be home all day cheering on Fred Couples and we wouldn't blame you for that.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The rain we were supposed to be having by now is strangely invisible and maybe even nonexistent. In fact the stars are out and we're bordering on frost at the moment. I'm not quite sure what to believe about today's forecast. I'm reading that some light rain is on its way, so any frost delay we may have should be brief; however, the radar shows no sign of precipitation in this area for at least a few hours (?!). Either way, dress warmly to start and we'll see what happens. Enjoy your round.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


A gentle breeze ,with no rain, greets us this morning. ..now that is a good way to start the day...no mosquitos to bother anyone as well as no umbrellas to distract from the serious undertaking ahead...the pins will all be in easy spots today (as usual, boring) and the sun will shine which is a great combination for the taking of birdies (stock up ladies)...have fun today and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The pitter patter of raindrops on the roof accompanied by the occasional gust of a gentle breeze...these are a couple of things you'll notice when you first wake this morning...then the temptation of getting back into bed hits..will you or won't you? ..it will be sunny this afternoon. .we will see who is obsessed (actually we already know)


Tuesday, April 9, 2013


According to Environment Canada we are getting rained on right now..according to looking out the door we are dry as a bone...I'll take looking out the door as the best guess about the weather for now..again the good news is that there is no frost so the start will be on time..have fun today and we'll see you out there.


Monday, April 8, 2013


Is this the first day that we have no frost when the sky is clear all night? We'll have to wait and see on that but if there happens to be some frost it won't last too long..a bright sunny day ahead so 'get while the gettin's good' so the saying goes. There are rumors that the course is playing easy as the birdies are falling. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, April 7, 2013


3c with showers (no snow yet)...the good news is that there is no frost to delay our start to a beautiful day. There has been just enough rain over the last couple of days to keep the dust down thankfully, it was getting hard on anyone with allergies.  Just some clouds to deal with later this morning so more good news, you can leave your sunscreen at home. Hit 'em straight and we'll see you out there.


Friday, April 5, 2013

About a third of an inch of that wet stuff fell from the sky yesterday. I think it's called "rain"? It's been a while since we've seen it so I suppose we were due for a shower. There will be just a little bit more today but nothing to prevent the committed from playing a round. Enjoy your round.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Club Fitting

We now have all of our fitting equipment in stock. Whether you are looking for a new set of irons, fairway woods, putter or driver we can fit you. Stop by and ask one of our Professionals on staff for a personal fitting.

Greens Aeration

We have scheduled greens aeration for the Glen nine Tuesday, April 16th and the Pines nine Wednesday, April 17th. The only thing that will stop us is rain. Please mark this in your calendars.


Another frost free morning. ..this is becoming a common theme and who knows we might not have to use the f word again until the fall. All is well in golf land so come out and enjoy a round. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Another mild overcast morning (frost free) and the course is awaiting your arrival. I had the pleasure of playing nine holes yesterday afternoon and one of my playing partners who is much to modest to be mentioned (G.M.) shot a sweet 29, yes 29 , 7 birdies in 9 holes and made it look easy. I thought all the comments from everyone, that the pin positions were too easy was a gross exaggeration but I guess not. We'll have to fix that. 7 birdies in 9 holes..ladies, just think of the birdie juice needed for that..mind boggling or is that mind numbing..have fun and we'll see you out there.  29 wow.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Junior Golf

Monday, April 15th will mark the official start of our new and improved junior program. We already have 40 kids registered and we are looking forward to providing them with an environment that they can excel as golfers and young adults. Lessons will be offered at no charge to junior members on Mondays between 4:30 and 5:30 starting April 15th.


9c and overcast...yeaaaaah! !! no frost....life is good. Welcome back ladies club..this is a sure sign of spring...the birdie juice will be flowing today as the course is dry and fast. Have fun and we'll see you out there.


Monday, April 1, 2013


It seems a tad cooler this morning than yesterday morning. ..there is frost so a delay of the first tee time is inevitable. ..we got going around 9:00ish yesterday so planning for that time again won't be too far wrong. The first part of this week looks like an extension of the weekend (darn) then back to normal by Friday. Get out and take advantage of the great conditions we're experiencing then in years to come we can look back and reference this year as a benchmark for spectacular springs. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, March 31, 2013


4c and clear..much the same as the last few days and the last few days we have had frost...just a short period of inconvenience but frost nonetheless. ..the start time this morning may be delayed a tad...but that is a small price to pay for a clear sunny morning. The course is dry and the greens are firm and fast...if that last statement doesn't get your golfing mojo going you may as well hang up your favorite spikeless golf shoes and take up knitting. Get out and enjoy the sun and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

We're at the same temperature as yesterday but the frost got a bit of a head start this morning. We were able to get started just before 9:00 yesterday, so I'm guessing today's start will be closer to 9:30 or so. It's going to be another beautiful day to hit the ball around the course later on, though. One of those "toque and then a t-shirt" days. Enjoy the great conditions.

Friday, March 29, 2013

To start the long weekend we have only 2 degrees (and dropping). Of course, that means the frost is settling in. Fortunately, there aren't many clouds about, so once the sun comes up the melt should happen pretty quickly. I don't expect much of a delay in start times but I've said that before and had to eat my words.

The mowers have been out in force for a couple of days and the course is looking and playing great.  Come on out and make the most of the holiday. Enjoy your game.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Another great morning to wake up to...6c and overcast...there is no frost and the start will be on time. I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend, the forecast is sunny and warm for the whole time. Play well and often. We'll see you out there.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


2c, a full moon, frogs croaking and of course a touch of frost. What a great morning! Well almost great, call it a good morning (there is the frost issue). The start may, yes may, be delayed a bit and other than that, full bore ahead. The greens are firming up and the grass is getting cut, what more can a golfer ask for? Hit it far. We'll see you out there.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013


It's a little warmer this morning than yesterday morning and to make it feel real spring like the frogs are croaking up a storm. We have a couple of projects to finish off today then we will start cutting the course tomorrow and I know everyone missed the drone of the mowers working. The start will be on time today. Putt well and we'll see you out there.


Monday, March 25, 2013


4c and overcast...warm by the standards for the rest of Canada...here in paradise? not so much...the day is supposed to warm up to double digits so again, a great day for golf...at present  there is no frost...we are changing the pin positions today so there are new challenges for birdies which I know everyone is looking forward to (the course was playing too easy). Enjoy all the new birdies and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, March 24, 2013


3c and overcast...there are a couple of ways of looking at that. One, it is cold with no hope for a warm spring morning so what's on tv or, two, yeehah no frost this morning get out of my way I'm headed to the  first tee..you choose. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

With the temperature just a bit below zero we start the morning with frost. My guess for the first start time is somewhere between 9:00 and 9:41 PST. Let's hope the sun comes out with an early vengeance and proves me wrong. Enjoy your round.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Long story short: below zero, snow on the ground. Definitely a morning to practice putting on the carpet of your warm living room. It's hard to say when we'll see green grass today but I recommend calling the pro shop no earlier than 10:30 for an update. Be careful on the roads this morning!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Another clear morning and yes there is a bit of frost here...there is no rain forecast so again another great day for golf...if you plan for your warm up to start around 9:30 your start shouldn't be delayed too long...the rest of the week looks good so three more rounds this week should be attainable...play hard and we'll see you out there...

PS..I saw a couple of divots out of the putting green the other day and my second thought was...really! !!!..please if you see someone taking divots on the putting or for that matter any green please let us know and please be careful in approaching or keeping company with said person as they have serious issues. The putting green? ????

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


So this is Spring...fairly warm, a drying breeze, are we in the tropics?...reality check...the drying breeze is supposed to switch from the S.E. to the west and maybe intensify a tad around noon. We received 18mm of rain overnight and still a bit to come before this system blows through so it will be a bit damp for your round today. ..if you time it right the wind will be behind you on the first few holes and when you get to 9 on the Glen it will of switched to be behind you for the next 4 holes as well...let me know if that works out for you. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Well another clear and frosty morning awaits... there is a wind warning for this evening in place so baton down the hatches. We should get going around 10:00ish today so that will leave plenty of time for a round before the inclement weather hits. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Monday, March 18, 2013


It's one of those mornings....if the temperature drops any, we could get frost. The good news is that if frost does appear it won't last long. Sunny with a slight breeze is the forecast so again winter golf, in Canada, at it's best. In the fairway off the tee ..green in regulation..two putt...easy game. We'll see you out there.


Sunday, March 17, 2013


There is a good frost this morning...clear sky and -1c...a one hour delay is likely today...the wait will be worth it as the sun is supposed to shine most of the day...there is less than a week to go before the official start to spring so get out and get a round in today then phone someone on the prairies and brag about the winter golf...they like that. Drive it straight and putt true. We'll see you out there.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

You may not believe me if you weren't here to see it, but yesterday we had a brief window of summer heat in the afternoon. Well, spring heat. It seems odd to say that considering it's almost cold enough for frost this morning. However, I think we'll most likely start on time and have only a few showers to deal with later today. All in all, not a bad day for golf. Enjoy your round.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Let's hope yesterday's half-inch+ of rain was all we'll get for the time being. It makes the greens pretty receptive and all but working (and golfing) in rain gear loses its appeal rather quickly. They're calling for only the odd shower today, so we'll see you out there once the fog is done with us. Enjoy your game.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Another 8c morning. ...we had a trace of rain overnight so there are no worries about becoming too dry out there...it might be a liquid sunshine day so dress accordingly. ...I happened to overhear a conversation yesterday and the theme was birdies and the ease in getting them....the foursome was laughing a lot....do they know something we don't? ...We'll see you out there.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Wow, what a miss. Yesterday's rainfall warning of 50-80mm amounted to only 19mm. I guess the byproduct of the storm system (8c this morning) is good enough compensation for having to deal with the aforementioned miss. The rest of today is going (supposed) to be nice so enjoy your round and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


A heavy rainfall warning has been posted for between Parksville and Comox....50mm-80mm for today and tonight. ...serious. ...we've got 15mm so far....cribbage anyone? ...stay dry.


Monday, March 11, 2013


3c and partially overcast.  That is the worst scenario possible to predict if there will be frost this morning. If the temperature drops a degree, boom, frost. If the temperature stays the same but the sky clears, boom, frost. If everything stays the same and M.N. is cranky, boom, frost. The suspense is almost too much to take. It looks like we won't have any suspense around hear after today as the forecast is for a bit of precipitation for the rest of the week so get out today for a dry round. Play well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, March 10, 2013


Why is the best sleep always after the alarm goes off...weird. 4c and overcast is what greets us this morning. There shouldn't be a delay to the start this morning unless you forgot to turn your clock ahead last night. If so you will only be an hour late for your tee time. It looks like the rain is going to start tomorrow so if you like to stay dry while golfing today will be a good day to partake in your passion, hobby, addiction (choose one). Hit it straight and we'll see you out there.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's really not fair that a day forecasted to be 9 degrees and sunny has started out as minus 2 and sunny. As far as frosty days in March go this is a doozy. I wouldn't plan on warming up any time before 9:00, or even 10:00, or...ugh. Anyway, it'll be a while. Eventually, though, it should be nice out there, so enjoy it when it happens.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Wow another frost free morning, how lucky can we get? Just a bit of westcoast sunshine to start the day. Our plan to make the course harder by dasterdly pin placements has failed miserably as there are rumors of more overall birdies yesterday than the day before. The course is just too nice to everyone. Come out and get your share of birdies and we'll see you out there.


Not a bad morning at all here at the course. A bit of dew, a bit of fog, but no frost. Not only will the start be on time, the sun is supposed to peek out in the morning and possibly hang around for the entire afternoon. Don't quote me on that (unless it happens). Enjoy your round.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


3c and overcast...yeah no frost to delay everyone. What a wonderful start to the day. We are going to change the holes today. There was a rumor floating around Monday afternoon that someone (DB) shot a 65 from the blue tees. Bravo on a good round but now everyone gets punished on that the holes are going to be in dastardly places (mostly on the green). Ed is away for a bit so you can't blame him for the hole placements. Aahh but who doesn't love a challenge? Hit 'em close (if you can) and we'll see you out there.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


0c, overcast with a bit of a west wind...sounds good so far(if you live on the prairies). I think layers is the term when dressing today. Birdies don't care about the weather so get out here and get some. Just ignore the rain..it's going to be light at worst and most likely miss us as usual. Oh yeah we have frost at the moment so if the rain does hold off we could have a delay to the start. We got going around 10:00 yesterday which would be a good target for today as well. Busy busy busy. Hit it straight and we'll see you out there.


Monday, March 4, 2013


-2c..that is twice as cold as it was yesterday morning (which other than useless information, means nothing). There is a bit of cloud cover which could affect how fast the frost comes off. If you plan to start your warm up after 9:30 you won't be delayed, in your golf adventure, too long. The forecast is for a sunny day so bring your dark glasses. Putt well and we'll see you out there.


Sunday, March 3, 2013


It's a beautiful clear morning at the course today and we all know what that means...we have frost so the start will be delayed somewhat...if the sun stays out we should be going around 9:30ish...Drive it straight and we'll see you out there.


Do you ever take it for granted? I hope not.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

With yesterday's rain we've had well over an inch of the stuff in 48 hours. That sounds like a lot but not much more is expected today and the course is draining well as is. The greens are receptive and inviting a few birdies, so come on out and show them how it's done. The start will definitely be on time -- we'll see the first of you at 8:30. Enjoy your game.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Congratulations to anyone who braved the elements yesterday. 2/3 inch of 'elements' fell from the sky and left behind a few puddles for today's round. Today should be a bit better with only light rain and a bit of wind in the morning. At this time of year, however, the start being on time is the thing to focus on. That and your putting. Enjoy your round.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


3c with the wind out of the south east at 35km/h and light rain...now if you are just arriving back from your winter in the south this might seem a bit chilly but if you are one of the ones who stayed here all winter, aahh!..great ,no frost...the start will be on time. I hear by the grape vine that there is a new crop of Birdies to be had so come out and get your fair share before they are all gone. Putt well and we'll see you out there.
