Tuesday, November 10, 2015


When the thermometer reads a balmy 0c we all know there's frost at the golf course,right?,right. Now the question of the morning is "when will the frost be gone ?"( do you put the question mark first or the exclamation marks?, Aagghh I should of paid attention in school on the day they told us that). The answer to the aforementioned question is ?...that's a hard one to nail down exactly especially since we haven't had frost in such a long time and the time has changed and the forecast is calling for rain showers this afternoon so there will be clouds rolling in and what time will they arrive?, is the sun going to shine brightly when it rises or will there be a bit of fog or cloud cover?.. Holy I'm stressed out already..10:00 , let's go with 10:00 and if it's later you'll have to wait and if it's earlier you'll be late..we'll know better later. Way to much typing ,this early in the morning, for me.. Enjoy your day.


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