Monday, December 2, 2013


Oops..forgot to blog yesterday...well I'll make up for that today be being a bit early with this blog.
When a person can see almost all (I said almost) the stars in the galaxy because it's so clear out and the calendar says it's December there is little (none, zip, nada, ) hope that the tee times will be on time. The question now becomes what time (if) will the temps come off. The forecast is for a balmy 5c (feels like 0c) so the experts don't think it's going to warm up too fast. It's -1c at the moment and will most likely drop another degree or so, SO, have a hearty breakfast,  an extra coffee, call a few friends you haven't spoken to for awhile then around 11:00ish call the proshop for an update. At least the sun is shining. Have a good one.


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